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Announcement: TinyMCE Stable Reminder

February 11th, 2021

1 min read

Cloud graphic with the title saying "reminder"

Written by

Qiran Gabrielle-Grace


World of WYSIWYG


Thanks to our users, TinyMCE is growing fast. In order to keep up and deliver new innovations for our users, we no longer support our Cloud Stable channel which provides you with access to TinyMCE 4.  

Hence, we want to remind you access to TinyMCE 4 via TinyMCE Cloud stable ( & is being removed on February 25, 2021.

Many developers have already made the switch to TinyMCE 5, but for those that haven’t, we recommend making the switch now. This will give you time to make any necessary adjustments whilst you become familiar with the faster, more advanced version of the editor. 

Migrate to TinyMCE 5

Migration is quick and easy. First, update the source of the TinyMCE script file in your HTML pages (replacing no-api-key with your own API key from your Tiny account dashboard):

<script src="" referrerpolicy="origin"></script>

After doing this, you will be upgraded automatically to the latest version of TinyMCE 5. You may be required to make additional changes depending on your configuration. If this is the case, we go through this in our TinyMCE 4 to TinyMCE 5 migration guide.

With TinyMCE 5, you get simplified pricing options for premium features such as the ever-popular PowerPaste plugin. On top of this, you get access to support, which is particularly helpful as you migrate. Start with a 14-day free trial.

Lastly, our doors are always open, so if you have questions make sure to contact us for more assistance about migrating to TinyMCE 5, or find the answer to your question on Stackoverflow.


byQiran Gabrielle-Grace

Helping get the word out about all the great things Tiny has to offer. Loving the WFH life because he can play loud music and dance, while still calling it work.

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