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Integrate TinyMCE rich text editor
with 12+ popular frameworks

Faster development. Flexible tech stacks

The WYSIWYG editor that's
ready for your favorite technology

Make integration easy

It’s straightforward to integrate the TinyMCE rich text editor into any kind of project, web application or tech stack and it doesn't take much time for you or your development team.

Integration requires only basic Javascript and HTML coding knowledge.

Interested in seeing TinyMCE in action?

View a fully functioning demo
The WYSIWYG editor that's ready for your favorite technology

Launch the WYSIWYG editor
with 12+ integrations and
400+ flexible APIs

Easily integrates into your tech stack.
Enhances your editing experience. First-party
integrations that make development easier

Get started with just
a few lines of code

1<h1>TinyMCE Angular Demo</h1>
3  apiKey="no-api-key"
4  [init]="{
5    height: 500,
6    plugins: [
7      'a11ychecker', 'accordion', 'advlist', 'anchor', 'autolink', 'autosave',
8      'charmap', 'code', 'codesample', 'directionality', 'emoticons', 'exportpdf',
9      'exportword', 'fullscreen', 'help', 'image', 'importcss', 'importword',
10      'insertdatetime', 'link', 'lists', 'markdown', 'math', 'media', 'nonbreaking',
11      'pagebreak', 'preview', 'quickbars', 'save', 'searchreplace', 'table',
12      'visualblocks', 'visualchars', 'wordcount'
13    ],
14    toolbar:
15      'undo redo | accordion accordionremove | \
16      importword exportword exportpdf | math | \
17      blocks fontfamily fontsize | bold italic underline strikethrough | \
18      align numlist bullist | link image | table media | \
19      lineheight outdent indent | forecolor backcolor removeformat | \
20      charmap emoticons | code fullscreen preview | save print | \
21      pagebreak anchor codesample | ltr rtl',
22    menubar: 'file edit view insert format tools table help'
23  }"
24  initialValue="Welcome to TinyMCE Angular"

TinyMCE framework integrations

One editor. Infinite use cases. Zero
constraints. Complete design flexibility

Angular rich text editor
Legacy/Angular JS
1st party


How-To integration Guide for AngularJS

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your project?

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One of the web's most trusted and downloaded
platforms for 20+ years


Easily integrates using 12+ frameworks and 400+ flexible APIs

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Cloud-based (free API key) or Self-hosted (download SDK) for use on-premise.

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Full source code access for out-of-the-box, UI, or API customizations.

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Enterprise-Grade Support

Responsive, in-house support to help you implement, customize and troubleshoot.

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Thousands of questions and answers updated daily on StackOverflow and Github.

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Tutorials, quickstarts, code samples and videos to help you deploy

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