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New Release: TinyMCE 5.10

October 26th, 2021

3 min read

Numbers showing 5.10 to mark the next TinyMCE 5.10 release.

Written by

Elise Bentley


World of WYSIWYG

From January 2023, TinyMCE no longer offers Real-Time Collaboration (RTC) for new customers. For Existing customers, we'll be in contact to discuss options. Please reach out to your Account Manager if you are a customer using RTC, and you have any questions about the plugin.

With the 5.10 release comes another set of updates and announcements for TinyMCE. Our last major release of the 2021 year, is filled with small improvements that focus  on making engineers' lives that little bit easier – especially when working with our API’s – and enhancing the safety and security of some of our biggest premium features. 

As always if you’re a Cloud user, your system will automatically update to the latest release. If you’re Self-Hosted, log into your TinyMCE account to down the latest Self-Hosted version of TinyMCE. You can also download it directly from NPM;

$ npm install tinymce@^5

What’s new? 

Core improvements and enhancements 

Our 5.10 release is pretty exciting for the users of our Open Source core. We’ve made a number of enhancements and added new features to the editor. These include:

  • An upgrade to our Dom API to enhance URL security 
  • Adding user-friendly enhancement to our VK API 
  • Added ability for engineers to turn off deprecation console warning messages 
  • Upgrades to our element API, relating to scrolling 

Advanced Tables 

This is a popular premium feature within TinyMCE for more advanced use cases. Therefore, Advanced Tables has been updated to 1.2.0., and with this latest release you’ll receive the following enhancements:

  • Addition for the getRowType property to provide a better end user experience 

The new advanced tables feature - adding in a column with numbers in ascending order.

Real-time Collaboration 

Following the release of Real-time Collaboration (RTE) within TinyMCE in 5.9, there's now another update to our collaboration plugin – affirming our commitment to creating a quality, encrypted experience that both developers and users love. 

This latest release includes:

  • Expanded support for indent margins 
  • Added security around validation of documents and roles within our JWT system
  • The ability for our RTC feature to automatically recover from temporary network connection issues
  • Reducing the bundle size by 21 KB
  • Better error handling whilst establishing a session 

A gif showing the interaction of two users in a real time collaboration demo.

Other important news

In case you missed it, we’ve also recently made a number of announcements ahead of the TinyMCE 6 release. 

This is a very exciting release for 2022 and we cannot wait to show you what we have in store to make it even easier for developers to create a great end-user editing experience. Make sure to check out the other posts below:

Get TinyMCE 5.10

Updating to the latest version of TinyMCE is easy, particularly when you’re a Cloud user. In the Cloud, your editor automatically updates to TinyMCE 5.10 if you use your API key in place of no-api-key in the following script:


  src="<a href=""></a>"



For Self-Hosted instances and more information about upgrading, refer to the documentation about upgrading to the latest version of TinyMCE 5.

Final notes 

For an in-depth guide on our latest release, make sure to explore the TinyMCE 5.10 release notes.

If you’re not already a Cloud user, you can get a free API Key. Getting started is fast and simple and you also get a 14-day trial of the full suite of TinyMCE premium features.

Want to have your say? We’ve just launched the TinyMCE Github Community, join us and our Product Managers over there to discuss all things TinyMCE. 

Tiny ReleasesDevelopers
byElise Bentley

Former VP of Marketing at Tiny. Elise has marketing experience across a range of industries and organisation sizes, and loves to blend the creative aspect of marketing together with data to develop engaging and effective marketing strategies and campaigns.

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