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TinyMCE Export capabilities out of beta!

June 29th, 2021

3 min read

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Written by

Elise Bentley


World of WYSIWYG


With the release of TinyMCE 5.8, we are pleased to release our latest premium features from Beta to general availability. 

Export takes away the frustration that comes with easily downloading and sharing content.

As one of the most popular feature requests of 2021, we are excited to be able to bring this functionality into general availability, which allows users to easily create lightweight PDFs with the click of a button. 

TinyMCE PDF export functionality with menu option visible

Why export?

TinyMCE Export enables content creators to export their content as a lightweight PDF, making their content shareable beyond the walls of your application. This enables faster sharing, reviews, and breaks down the barriers of communications across teams and content creators. 

With TinyMCE Export now in general availability, let our development team take on the maintenance and support complexities and allow your developers to focus on what matters to the core of your product. 

At this stage, TinyMCE Export allows users to create a PDF that renders all content as an image or non-selectable content, whilst still honoring page breaks and links. This is a fast, simple way for you to get content exported and into the hands of your customers.

Key features and benefits:

  • Exports HTML content to a lightweight PDF document with a click of a button
  • Converts any HTML content (e.g., backgrounds, borders, images, tables, and lists)
  • Preserves line breaks and hyperlinks
  • Implemented client-side, supporting both cloud and self-hosted deployments
  • Removes the need for developers to waste time building and maintaining this functionality themselves

What does coming out of beta mean?

We recently covered why we have adopted a new beta flag process here at Tiny. Releasing something in beta allows us to get new features to market sooner, allowing developers to begin playing around and testing functionality. 

When we release new beta features they are a little bit rough around the edges but are complete enough for developers to begin using and delivering value to their end-users. But, it also allows us to work with the market and get valuable feedback on what challenges they have with the features, allowing us to rapidly iterate and improve the feature. 

Coming out of beta and going into general availability is just an indication we’ve worked out those rough edges. It means that Tiny is now confident enough in the quality of the feature that we will now officially support it.

We have adopted beta practices because we know that as an enterprise-grade rich text editor, quality is not something we can compromise on, especially when it is being built into products being used by millions of people worldwide on a daily basis. 

Try it out for yourself! 

The following CodePen created for the beta release of export, has TinyMCE configured with the export button, as well as page break and source code options. We’ve preloaded some HTML including an image and text and have updated it to the latest version of our Export feature. 

Click on the Export button (or click File -> Export -> PDF) to download a PDF version of the content. Any HTML elements - e.g., including backgrounds, borders, images, tables, and lists - are converted.

Get TinyMCE’s Export

Export is a premium feature included with our Cloud Essential plan and above, all focused on getting your product to stand out whilst allowing your development team to focus on building your core product. You can get started with a free 14 day trial of our premium features to test out if this is right for you. 

Assuming you’ve already got an instance of TinyMCE up and running and have configured the editor, adding it to TinyMCE is as easy as adding it as a plugin and adding it to the toolbar. You might also consider providing the page break feature if it’s not already part of your editor config because any page breaks inserted will be included in the resulting PDF. Pagebreak is available as part of our core open-source TinyMCE offerings

<span data-preserver-spaces="true">tinymce.init({
  selector: "textarea",
  plugins: "export pagebreak",
  toolbar: "export pagebreak",

What’s next?

Find out more about TinyMCE Export, or contact us anytime to talk about your specific requirements. There’s also more detailed information available in our Tiny documentation relating to our Export feature.  

byElise Bentley

Former VP of Marketing at Tiny. Elise has marketing experience across a range of industries and organisation sizes, and loves to blend the creative aspect of marketing together with data to develop engaging and effective marketing strategies and campaigns.

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