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Handling undo functions in rich text editors

May 16th, 2022

6 min read

Undo functionality represented by writing and circular arrow symbols

Written by

Ravgeet Dhillon


Developer Insights

If you’ve ever written a blog or worked with a Content Management System (CMS), there’s a good chance you’ve heard about rich text editors – popularly known as WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors. 

A rich text editor allows users to enter text and formatting via a GUI. It converts input into HTML behind the scenes. Why is this important? It enables non-technical users to create web-ready code.

Having been on the market since the late 1990s, rich text editors  have progressively evolved to support complex features like undo/redo.

Undo and redo are essential

Undo and redo operations are a must-have feature in any rich text editor – they’re a user's safety net. For a great user experience (UX), users need to solve their editing problems in a rich text editor.

An undo/redo button makes your users more confident, because it’s a clear signal that if they make a mistake, they can easily undo and restore changes. For example, if a user accidentally deletes a paragraph, the undo function can restore their work – and spare them a lot of frustration.

However, implementing the undo/redo functionality is complicated. It requires an understanding of data structures like Stack.

You need to know which actions need to be pushed onto the stack, as well as when to push them, and the same goes for the pop operation.

In this article, you'll find out about the complexity of creating and maintaining the undo/redo functionality, and see how the TinyMCE rich text editor makes it easy.

Why you need undo function, and why it's complicated

Undo function is essential because… 

Undo and redo operations are the most basic implementation of the undo/redo algorithm. It uses a single stack and an index variable, which preserves the action history. It involves the following steps:

  1. Initialize two variables, levels (array) and index (integer).
  2. Perform the following operations:
  • On a WRITE operation, push the character to the levels stack.
  • On the UNDO operation, set the current index to current index - 1.
  • On the REDO operation, set the current index to current index + 1.

You also need to consider the points when the undo/redo kicks in. For example, what’s the increment of an undo? Some options could be: 

  • On each character
  • On each word, 
  • On the space key
  • When the user stops typing
  • Or every several seconds. 

There’s no objectively correct answer, and the reality is that an undo/redo algorithm needs to be smart enough to use all of these options to enhance the user experience.

Apart from the UX side of the undo/redo behavior, you also need to consider the technical aspects like:

  • Data storage format
  • Memory footprint
  • Cursor position
  • Performance in large documents

Other complications can include things like handling emojis, links with previews, tables, and many other features customers want.

These details are important to consider because each time a new feature is introduced to the editor, it needs to be integrated as part of the undo/redo operations.

All of these UX and technical issues make undo/redo functionality a hard problem to solve.

When you’re building an application, you need a robust tool that’s actively maintained and has a great backing behind it. One such tool is TinyMCE.

Implementing undos in TinyMCE

In this section, you'll learn about how to implement the TinyMCE editor and make use of the UndoManager API provided by the TinyMCE Javascript library.

  1. Open up the terminal, navigate to a path of your choice and run the following commands to create a project directory (tiny-mce-undo-redo).
    mkdir tiny-mce-undo-redo
    cd tiny-mce-undo-redo
  2. Install the TinyMCE NPM package by running the following commands in the terminal:
    npm init
    npm install tinymce --save
  3. Create an index.html file by running the following commands, in which you'll be implementing the TinyMCE editor:
    touch index.html
  4. Open the index.html file and add the following code to it:
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <!-- 1 -->
        <script src="/node_modules/tinymce/tinymce.min.js"></script>
            body {
                margin: 4rem auto;
                max-width: 760px;
                font-family: 'Inter';
        <h1>TinyMCE Editor</h1>
        <!-- 2 -->
        <textarea id="my-textarea"></textarea>
        // 3
            selector: 'textarea#my-textarea',

In the above code:

  1. You include the tinymce.min.js file from the node_modules directory using the script tag. You can also include TinyMCE directly from the CDN.
  2. You add a textarea element and give it an ID (my-textarea), which will be used by the TinyMCE instance.
  3. You initialize the TinyMCE (init) instance by providing it with the selector attribute (textarea#my-textarea), which is used to select the textarea with ID my-textarea.

Start a live server in VS Code or by using the serve command from the terminal, then visit the associated localhost URL.

To test the undo functionality, add some content in the editor, do some formatting actions, and then click the Undo button.

Undo function working in an example

But what if you want to customize the behavior of the editor? To allow this, TinyMCE provides an API that you can use to programmatically control the editor.

Using the Undo Manager API

TinyMCE provides an UndoManager API that allows you to manage the undo/redo history levels for the editor. Using this API, you can code your own undo/redo functionality so it aligns perfectly with your application’s use cases.

The UndoManager API comes with different methods that allow you to build custom behavior. In this tutorial, you'll see how to make use of the UndoManager API.

UndoManager API – HasUndo / HasRedo

UndoManager API provides two methods for detecting undo levels, hasUndo, and hasRedo, which return true/false if the undo manager has any undo/redo levels, respectively.

To see this in action:

  1. Update the index.html file by adding the following code:
        <br />
        <p>Has Undo: <span id="undo-message-box"></span></p>
        <p>Has Redo: <span id="redo-message-box"></span></p>
        <br /><br />
        <p>Custom Actions</p>
        <button onclick="hasUndo()">Has Undo</button>
        <button onclick="hasRedo()">Has Redo</button>
  2. Next, add the hasUndo and hasRedo functions under the script tag in the index.html file, as shown in the following code:
        function hasUndo() {
            const hasUndoMessageBox = document.getElementById('undo-message-box')
            // 1
            const hasUndo = tinymce.activeEditor.undoManager.hasUndo()
            hasUndoMessageBox.innerText = hasUndo
        function hasRedo() {
            const hasRedoMessageBox = document.getElementById('redo-message-box')
            // 2
            const hasRedo = tinymce.activeEditor.undoManager.hasRedo()
            hasRedoMessageBox.innerText = hasRedo

In the above code:

  1. In the hasUndo function, you refer to the TinyMCE editor (tinymce.activeEditor), then call the UndoManager (undoManager) API's hasUndo method, which returns a boolean value.
  2. The hasRedo function works the same way: you refer to the TinyMCE editor (tinymce.activeEditor), then call the UndoManager (undoManager) API's hasUndo method, which returns a boolean value.

Save your progress and visit the localhost URL to test the hasUndo and hasRedo functions.

TinyMCE with has undo and has redo running

UndoManager API – Custom Undo and Redo

The UndoManager API provides two methods for customization, undo, and redo, which undo or redo the last action in the editor.

To implement a custom undo/redo feature:

  1. Update the index.html file by adding the following code:
        <p>Custom Actions</p>
        <button onclick="hasUndo()">Has Undo</button>
        <button onclick="hasRedo()">Has Redo</button>
        <button onclick="customUndo()">Custom Undo</button>
        <button onclick="customRedo()">Custom Redo</button>
  2. Add the customUndo and customRedo functions under the script tag in the index.html file, as in the following code:
      ... function customUndo(){" "}
        // 1
      function customRedo(){" "}
        // 2

In the above code:

  1. In the customUndo function, you refer to the TinyMCE editor (tinymce.activeEditor), then call the UndoManager (undoManager) API's undo method, which undoes the last action in the editor.

  2. In the customRedo function, you refer to the TinyMCE editor (tinymce.activeEditor), then call the UndoManager (undoManager) API's redo method, which redoes the last action in the editor.

  3. Both of these functions return an object that contains the undo or redo level, or null if no action was performed.

Save your progress and visit the localhost URL to test the customUndo and customRedo functions.

TinyMCE with custom undo and redo included

UndoManager API – Clear Undo history

The UndoManager API provides a clear method that allows you to remove all the undo levels from the editor.

To implement the clear feature:

  1. Update the index.html file by adding the following code:
        <p>Custom Actions</p>
        <button onclick="hasUndo()">Has Undo</button>
        <button onclick="hasRedo()">Has Redo</button>
        <button onclick="customUndo()">Custom Undo</button>
        <button onclick="customRedo()">Custom Redo</button>
        <button onclick="clearUndoLevels()">Reset</button>
  2. Add the clearUndoLevels function under the script tag in the index.html file as in the following code:
      ... function clearUndoLevels(){" "}
        // 1

In the above code:

In the clearUndoLevels function, you refer to the TinyMCE editor (tinymce.activeEditor), then call the UndoManager (undoManager) API's clear method which removes all the undo levels from the editor.

Finally, save your progress and visit the localhost URL to test the clearUndoLevels function.

TinyMCE undo and redo function running with a Rest function

Where to look for more on undo and redo 

By using the TinyMCE UndoManager API, it’s possible to more easily implement undo functionality. You can use this API to customize the editor’s default behavior, and build your own functionality.

If you and your team are looking for a rich text editor that allows anyone, anywhere to create visually stunning, web-ready content with compliance, undo, and collaboration solutions, learn more with TinyMCE.

byRavgeet Dhillon

Ravgeet Dhillon is a full-time software engineer and technical content writer who codes and writes about React, Vue, Flutter, Laravel, Node, Strapi, and Python.

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