case study
How TinyMCE helped HYPE Innovation cut support tickets by 50%

Simon Reinhardt
Senior Software Developer, HYPE Innovation
It was easy to integrate TinyMCE into our software and customize it to our needs. If you go for a rich text editor, this one is the industry standard. You can’t go wrong picking TinyMCE.

HYPE Innovation produces software that helps innovation managers to identify, develop, and realize opportunities aligned with strategic initiatives - from trend scouting to idea management and partnering to innovation portfolio management.
All names, titles and results were correct when originally published.
Innovation Software
Germany (Global)
Key Results
Switching to TinyMCE saved HYPE Innovation
Less support tickets
Developer days saved per year
plugin options
Dev time and budget lowered
Clean copy-paste across platforms
The challenges
Consistent formatting across platforms for complex software
KEY CHALLENGES for HYPE Innovation (before TinyMCE)
Copy-paste errors
Low confidence in text editor
Dev time blowouts to fix editor issues
Expensive to maintain existing editor
As a software developer for HYPE Innovation, Simon Reinhardt had a problem: his team kept receiving support tickets for the rich text editor his company used in their software. In particular, customers were having problems when they tried to copy and paste their text from Microsoft Word or a different software into their editor.
Fixing these issues and managing the support tickets was time consuming for his developers and their support team, not to mention expensive for his company. Simon knew he needed to upgrade to a sophisticated rich text editor that was flexible and would support copying and pasting text from different platforms without affecting formatting.
In addition, HYPE Innovation’s software is also quite sophisticated, so Simon needed a text editor that was customizable and could be adjusted to fit their software without making too many changes while still serving all of their customers’ needs.
Our editor wasn’t very good at keeping the formatting right. We reached a point where we received another support request and thought, what else can we do? Should we continue investing in this? It was too expensive for us to keep working on it.
The solution
A flexible, rich text editor that solved their problems
An sophisticated rich text editor with:
- 50+ flexible plugin options
- Clean copy-paste with PowerPaste plugin
- Familiar UI and functionality
- A customizable text editor
- Scalable editor that handles future growth
Simon analyzed the market and compared all the editors on offer. He quickly realized that out of all the rich text editors available, TinyMCE was the only one that fully supported copying and pasting text from Microsoft Word and other platforms into their text editor without changing the formatting, thanks to TinyMCE’s PowerPaste plugin.
Plus, Simon saw that TinyMCE would integrate well into their sophisticated software without needing many alterations. It had the flexibility, customizability and the scalability his team needed.
Simon also appreciated TinyMCE’s customizability: HYPE Innovation’s software is available in many languages, including Arabic – written from right to left – and TinyMCE already supported that. His team had also made their software accessible to people with disabilities, and TinyMCE supported that too.
Plus, TinyMCE included additional features that HYPE Innovation couldn’t offer before and it integrated seamlessly into their existing software without causing a disruption for their users. Their customers could enjoy a better user experience without having to adjust to the new text editor.
I was glad TinyMCE had solutions for all of these unique needs we had. I guess if you’ve been on the market for so long and you’re the market leader, like Tiny is, then you’ve already come across most of these things before, and you’ve already come up with the solutions. But I was surprised it worked so easily.
The result
50% less text editing support tickets
Dev time and budget freed up to focus on other priorities
Premium plugins like PowerPaste make copying and pasting rich text simple
Elegant and easy to configure user interface can suit any use case
Simple implementation and low overhead saves development time and money
Now, Simon sees half as many support tickets as he did before making the switch over to TinyMCE. He’s glad to have a solid, good-looking text editor that’s both customizable and easy to maintain. Because TinyMCE is the industry standard, many customers have already used it with other software and are familiar with it, which makes the experience even easier for them.
Using TinyMCE has also saved HYPE Innovation time and resources compared to developing and maintaining their own tool. Simon calculates that TinyMCE is saving them 20 developer days per year, freeing up their time and budget to focus on more important things.
On top of that, TinyMCE continues to release new plugins and bring even more features and functionality to their platform, which helps HYPE Innovation push ahead of their competition.
Just reducing the number of support tickets has been great. If there are fewer problems to solve, then I can focus on developing new features for our software and helping to push us ahead of our competitors. That’s the most important part for me.
Trusted by 1.5M developers.
Used in 100M+ apps.
No matter the project, TinyMCE editor works best