Toolbar Buttons Available for TinyMCE
The following tables show all available toolbar items, including items provided by plugins. To retrieve a list from the editor, run the following command from the browser console:
These toolbar buttons can be added to the editor using:
configuration option. -
configuration option.
The core toolbar buttons
The following toolbar buttons are available for all TinyMCE instances without enabling any plugins:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Center aligns the current block or image. |
Full aligns the current block or image. |
Left aligns the current block or image. |
Removes the alignment of the current block or image. |
Right aligns the current block or image. |
Applies block quote format to the current block level element. |
Applies background color to selection. |
Dropdown list with block formats to apply to selection. |
Applies the bold format to the current selection. |
Copies the current selection into clipboard. |
Cuts the current selection into clipboard. |
Dropdown list with font families to apply to selection. |
Dropdown list with font sizes to apply to selection. |
Text entry input field to change font size of selection or current insertion point. Also provides increase and decrease font size buttons on either side of said input field. |
Applies foreground/text color to selection. |
Changes current line to the "Heading 1" style. |
Changes current line to the "Heading 2" style. |
Changes current line to the "Heading 3" style. |
Changes current line to the "Heading 4" style. |
Changes current line to the "Heading 5" style. |
Changes current line to the "Heading 6" style. |
Inserts a horizontal rule into the editor. |
Indents the current list item or block element. |
Applies the italic format to the current selection. |
Dropdown list with languages to apply to the selection. This button requires the |
Dropdown list with line heights to apply to selection. |
Creates a new document. |
Outdents the current list item or block element. |
Pastes the current clipboard into the editor. |
Toggles plain text pasting mode on/off. When in plain text mode, all rich content is converted into plain text. |
Prints the current editor contents. |
To redo the last undone operation. |
Removes (deletes) the selected content or the content before the cursor position. |
Removes the formatting from the current selection. |
Selects all content in the editor. |
Applies strike though format to the current selection. |
Dropdown list with styles to apply to selection. |
Applies subscript format to the current selection. |
Applies superscript format to the current selection. |
Applies the underline format to the current selection. |
To undo the last operation. |
Toggles the visual aids for invisible elements. |
A11yChecker plugin
The A11yChecker plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Opens the accessibility checker dialog. |
For information on the A11yChecker plugin, see: Plugins - The A11yChecker plugin
Accordion plugin
The Accordion plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Executes the |
Executes the |
Executes the |
For information on the Accordion plugin, see: Plugins - The Accordion plugin
AI Assistant plugin
The AI Assistant plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Open the AI Assistant dialog. |
Opens the AI Shortcuts menu, displaying the available shortcut prompts for querying the AI API. |
For information on the AI Assistant plugin, see: Plugins - The AI Assistant plugin
Enhanced Code Editor plugin
The Enhanced Code Editor plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Opens the code dialog. |
For information on the Enhanced Code Editor plugin, see: Plugins - The Enhanced Code Editor plugin
Enhanced Tables plugin
The Enhanced Tables plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Adds or removes (toggles) a row numbering column on the selected table. |
For information on the Enhanced Tables plugin, see: Plugins - The Enhanced Tables plugin
Advanced Typography plugin
The Advanced Typography plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Runs the currently active set of Advanced Typography rules over the document or the current selection. Also contains a menu of available language-specific rule sets. When the menu reveal, rather than the icon proper, is pressed, this menu is displayed and a new language-specific rule set can be selected. Note that selecting a language from the menu both switches to that language’s rule set and runs that language’s rule set over the document or the current selection. |
For information on the Advanced Typography plugin, see: Plugins - The Advanced Typography plugin
Anchor plugin
The Anchor plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Creates/Edits anchor elements. |
For information on the Anchor plugin, see: Plugins - The Anchor plugin
Autosave plugin
The Autosave plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Restores to the latest auto saved draft. |
For information on the Autosave plugin, see: Plugins - The Autosave plugin
Case Change plugin
The Case Change plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Changes the case of text in a block selection to uppercase, lowercase, or title case. |
For information on the Case Change plugin, see: Plugins - The Case Change plugin
Character Map plugin
The Character Map plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Inserts custom characters into the editor. |
For information on the Character Map plugin, see: Plugins - The Character Map plugin
Checklist plugin
The Checklist plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Creates a checklist. |
For information on the Checklist plugin, see: Plugins - The Checklist plugin
Code plugin
The Code plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Opens the code dialog. |
For information on the Code plugin, see: Plugins - The Code plugin
Code Sample plugin
The Code Sample plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Inserts code snippets with syntax highlighting. |
For information on the Code Sample plugin, see: Plugins - The Code Sample plugin
Comments plugin
The Comments plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Adds a comment at the cursor location or to the selected content. |
Shows/hides the Comments sidebar UI and comments present in the editor. |
For information on the Comments plugin, see: Plugins - The Comments plugin
Directionality plugin
The Directionality plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Sets the directionality of contents to ltr. |
Sets the directionality of contents to rtl. |
For information on the Directionality plugin, see: Plugins - The Directionality plugin
Emoticons plugin
The Emoticons plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Opens the Emojis dialog. |
For information on the Emoticons plugin, see: Plugins - The Emoticons plugin
Export to PDF plugin
The Export to PDF plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Generates a PDF file directly from the editor. |
For information on the Export to PDF plugin, see: Plugins - The Export to PDF plugin
Export to Word plugin
The Export to Word plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Generate a .docx file directly from the editor. |
For information on the Export to Word plugin, see: Plugins - The Export to Word plugin
Footnotes plugin
The Footnotes plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Inserts a superscripted footnote number into the editor at the selection, and creates a new entry in the footnotes section linked to that footnote. |
Manually updates the state of all footnotes in a TinyMCE document. |
For information on the Footnotes plugin, see: Plugins - The Footnotes plugin
Format Painter plugin
The Format Painter plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Enables and disables format painting. |
For information on the Format Painter plugin, see: Plugins - The Format Painter plugin
Full Screen plugin
The Full Screen plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Toggles fullscreen mode. |
For information on the Full Screen plugin, see: Plugins - The Full Screen plugin
Help plugin
The Help plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Opens the help dialog. |
For information on the Help plugin, see: Plugins - The Help plugin
Image plugin
The Image plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Creates/Edits images within the editor. |
For information on the Image plugin, see: Plugins - The Image plugin
Import from Word plugin
The Import from Word plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Opens the import dialog so the user can select a specific |
For information on the Import from Word plugin, see: Plugins - The Import from Word plugin
Image Editing plugin
The Image Editing plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Edits the current image in the image dialog. |
Flips the current image horizontally. |
Flips the current image vertically. |
Opens the image options dialog. |
Rotates the current image counterclockwise. |
Rotates the current image clockwise. |
For information on the Image Editing plugin, see: Plugins - The Image Editing plugin
Insert Date/Time plugin
The Insert Date/Time plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Inserts the current date/time. |
For information on the Insert Date/Time plugin, see: Plugins - The Insert Date/Time plugin
Link plugin
The Link plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Creates/Edits links within the editor. |
Opens the selected link in a new tab. |
Removes links from the current selection. |
For information on the Link plugin, see: Plugins - The Link plugin
Lists plugin
The Lists plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Formats the current selection as a bullet list. |
Formats the current selection as a numbered list. |
For information on the Lists plugin, see: Plugins - The Lists plugin
Math plugin
The Math plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Opens the math modal dialog. |
For information on the Math plugin, see: Plugins - The Math plugin
Media plugin
The Media plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Creates/Edits embedded media elements. |
For information on the Media plugin, see: Plugins - The Media plugin
Merge Tags plugin
The Merge Tags plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Menu toolbar button containing merge tags as a drop down list of nested menus and items. This list is specified by the |
For information on the Merge Tags plugin, see: Plugins - The Merge Tags plugin
Nonbreaking Space plugin
The Nonbreaking Space plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Inserts a nonbreaking space into the editor. |
For information on the Nonbreaking Space plugin, see: Plugins - The Nonbreaking Space plugin
Page Break plugin
The Page Break plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Inserts a pagebreak into the editor. |
For information on the Page Break plugin, see: Plugins - The Page Break plugin
Page Embed plugin
The Page Embed plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Opens the insert or edit iframe dialog. |
For information on the Page Embed plugin, see: Plugins - The Page Embed plugin
Permanent Pen plugin
The Permanent Pen plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Enables and disables Permanent Pen formatting. |
For information on the Permanent Pen plugin, see: Plugins - The Permanent Pen plugin
Preview plugin
The Preview plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Previews the current editor contents. |
For information on the Preview plugin, see: Plugins - The Preview plugin
Quick Toolbars plugin
The Quick Toolbars plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Inserts an image from the local machine. |
Inserts a link in a quicker way. |
Inserts a table 2x2. |
For information on the Quick Toolbars plugin, see: Plugins - The Quick Toolbars plugin
Revision History plugin
The Revision History plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Opens the Revision History view. |
For information on the Revision History plugin, see: Plugins - The Revision History plugin
Save plugin
The Save plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Cancels/Resets the editor contents to it’s initial state. |
Saves the current editor contents to a form or ajax call. |
For information on the Save plugin, see: Plugins - The Save plugin
Search and Replace plugin
The Search and Replace plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Searches and/or Replaces contents within the editor. |
For information on the Search and Replace plugin, see: Plugins - The Search and Replace plugin
Spell Checker plugin
The Spell Checker plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Opens the spelling checker dialog if |
Opens the spelling checker dialog if |
For information on the Spell Checker plugin, see: Plugins - The Spell Checker plugin
Table plugin
The Table plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Creates/Edits table elements. |
Opens the Cell properties dialog. |
Copies the current row to the clipboard. |
Cuts the current row to the clipboard. |
Deletes table. |
Deletes the selected column. |
Deletes the current row row. |
Opens the table properties dialog for creating a new table. |
Inserts column after the current one. |
Inserts a column before the current one. |
Inserts a new row after the current one. |
Inserts a new row before the current one. |
Merges the selected cells. |
Pastes the row in the clipboard after the current row. |
Pastes the row in the clipboard before the current row. |
Opens the table properties dialog. |
Opens the Row properties dialog. |
Splits the current merged cell. |
Adds or removes pre-defined classes to the selected table. |
Adds or removes pre-defined classes to selected cells in the table. |
Sets the vertical alignment of the selected cells. |
Sets the border width of all selected cells. |
Sets the style of border for all selected cells. |
Toggles the caption on the selected table. |
Sets the background color of the selected cells. |
Sets the border color of the selected cells. |
Toggle a row between being a table header row or a table body row. |
Toggle a column between being a table header column and a table body column. |
For information on the Table plugin, see: Plugins - The Table plugin
Templates plugin
The Templates plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Opens the Templates dialog which presents all templates available to the particular TinyMCE instance for selection and insertion. |
Open the New template dialog, allowing for the selected text to be saved as a named template and placed in an already-set category. If there is no selection current in the TinyMCE editor, this button is disabled. |
For information on the Templates plugin, see: Plugins - The Templates plugin
Table of Contents plugin
The Table of Contents plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Inserts a Table of Contents into the editor. |
Updates the Table of Contents block element. |
For information on the Table of Contents plugin, see: Plugins - The Table of Contents plugin
Tiny Drive plugin
The Tiny Drive plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Opens the Tiny Drive file selector. |
For information on the Tiny Drive plugin, see: Plugins - The Tiny Drive plugin
Visual Blocks plugin
The Visual Blocks plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Toggles the visibility of block elements. |
For information on the Visual Blocks plugin, see: Plugins - The Visual Blocks plugin
Visual Characters plugin
The Visual Characters plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Toggles the visibility of non breaking character elements. |
For information on the Visual Characters plugin, see: Plugins - The Visual Characters plugin
Word Count plugin
The Word Count plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:
Toolbar button identifier | Description |
Opens a word count dialog showing word and character counts. |
For information on the Word Count plugin, see: Plugins - The Word Count plugin