Configure Enhanced Media Embed Server

Once you have the server-side component installed, additional configuration to your application.conf file is required. (Don’t forget to restart the Java application server after updating the configuration.)

The Enhanced Media Embed service allows you to choose between using your own Iframely account, configuring custom oEmbed endpoints or using a combination of both.

When you insert media into your content, the service will do the following (in order):

  1. Check if the URL matches any custom oEmbed configuration. If that fails,

  2. If Iframely is configured, query the Iframely API. If Iframely is not configured,

  3. Create a summary card.

Use your own Iframely account

To use your own Iframely account, provide the following configuration items:

  • enabled - set to true to use Iframely. If set to false, you don’t need to provide the base-url or api-key configuration items.

  • base-url - the base URL of the Iframely API. Check their docs if you’re unsure.

  • api-key - your Iframely API key. This is provided by Iframely after setting up an account with them.

Example with Iframely enabled (replace xxx with your Iframely API key):

ephox {
  embed {
    iframely {
      enabled = true
      base-url = ""
      api-key = "xxx" // change this to your own Iframely API key

Example with Iframely disabled:

ephox {
  embed {
    iframely {
      enabled = false

Configure a custom endpoint

The service can be configured to hit a specific oEmbed endpoint when media from a URL matching a provided pattern is inserted into your content.

  • endpoint - the URL of the oEmbed endpoint that should be consulted when inserting media with a URL that matches an entry in schemes.

  • schemes - a list of schemes as defined in Section 2.1. Configuration of the oEmbed specification. Note that HTTP and HTTPS are two separate schemes.

Example note: This configuration is provided as an example only. The Enhanced Media Embed service converts an oEmbed response into an embeddable snippet of code. The content and quality of the snippet is dependent on the oEmbed response.


ephox {
  embed {
    custom = [

      # youtube
        endpoint = ""
        schemes = [
      # NY Times
        endpoint = ""
        schemes = [
      # Daily Motion
        endpoint = ""
        schemes = [
      # Soundcloud
        endpoint = ""
        schemes = [
      # Facebook post
        endpoint = ""
        schemes = [
      # Facebook Video
        endpoint = ""
        schemes = [
      # Facebook Page
        endpoint = ""
        schemes = [
      # Spotify
        endpoint = ""
        schemes = [
      # Hulu
        endpoint = "",
        schemes = [
      # Vimeo
        endpoint = "",
        schemes = [
      # SmugMug
        endpoint = ""
        schemes = [
      # Slideshare
        endpoint = ""
        schemes = [
      # Wordpress
        endpoint = ""
        schemes = [
      # Meetup
        endpoint = ""
        schemes = [
      # Spotify
        endpoint = ""
        schemes = [
      # Tech crunch
        endpoint = ""
        schemes = [
      # Dotsub
        endpoint = ""
        schemes = [
      # Speaker deck
        endpoint = ""
        schemes = [
      # Tumblr
        endpoint = ""
        schemes = [
      # Adobe Stock
        endpoint = ""
        schemes = [
      # Code pen
        endpoint = ""
        schemes = [
      # 500px
        endpoint = ""
        schemes = [

Combining Iframely and custom endpoints

It is also possible to configure Iframely with custom oEmbed endpoints. For example, you may want to use Iframely to embed media from the Internet and an internal oEmbed server to embed media from an Intranet.

Example (replace xxx with your Iframely API key):

ephox {
  embed {
    iframely {
      enabled = true
      base-url = ""
      api-key = "xxx" // change this to your own Iframely API key

    custom = [
        endpoint = "http://localhost:3000/oembed"
        schemes = [

Summary cards

If neither Iframely or an oEmbed endpoint is configured for a given URL, a summary card will be created.

A summary card is an embeddable snippet of code which is generated based on what the Enhanced Media Embed service can work out about the content at the URL. See the integration docs for Enhanced Media Embed Server for further details.