Django integration

This Integration is maintained by a third-party developer. Tiny Technologies, Inc. bears no responsibility for this integration, which is not covered by the Tiny Self-Hosted Software License Agreement. For issues related to the integration, contact the third-party project directly.

For information on adding TinyMCE to a Django project, try using the Python-based django-tinymce package. For information on setting up django-tinymce, see: the django-tinymce Documentation. To use an newer version of TinyMCE, use the Tiny Cloud or statically host a manually downloaded copy of TinyMCE.

Using the Tiny Cloud with django-tinymce

To load TinyMCE from the Tiny Cloud, update the project’s file:

  • Set TINYMCE_JS_URL to the Tiny Cloud CDN.

  • Ensure TINYMCE_COMPRESSOR is set to False.

For example:

TINYMCE_JS_URL = '{cdnurl}'

Using self-hosted TinyMCE with django-tinymce

If you’d rather download and install the script manually:

  1. Get the package from TinyMCE Downloads.

  2. Unzip the package and move the 'path/to/tinymce/' directory into the django project.

  3. Add a URL path to the tinymce directory.

  4. Add the relevant configuration setting:

    • If you do not need the TINYMCE_COMPRESSOR (TINYMCE_COMPRESSOR = False), add TINYMCE_JS_URL to the project’s file pointing to tinymce/tinymce.min.js. Such as:

        TINYMCE_JS_URL = os.path.join(MEDIA_URL, "path/to/tinymce/tinymce.min.js")
    • If you do need the TINYMCE_COMPRESSOR (TINYMCE_COMPRESSOR = TRUE), add TINYMCE_JS_ROOT to the project’s file pointing to the tinymce/ root directory. Such as:

       TINYMCE_JS_ROOT = os.path.join(MEDIA_URL, "path/to/tinymce")