TinyMCE 5.10


TinyMCE 5.10 was released for TinyMCE Enterprise and Tiny Cloud on Wednesday, October 20th, 2021. It includes TinyMCE 5.10 and additional changes to premium plugins. These release notes provide an overview of the changes for TinyMCE 5.10, including:

This is the Tiny Cloud and TinyMCE Enterprise release notes. For information on the latest community version of TinyMCE, see: TinyMCE Changelog.

New features

TinyMCE 5.10 introduces the following minor new features:

  • Added a new URI.isDomSafe(uri) API to check if a URI is considered safe to be inserted into the DOM.

  • Added the ESC key code constant to the VK API.

  • Added a new deprecation_warnings setting for turning off deprecation console warning messages.


TinyMCE 5.10 introduces the following minor enhancements:

  • The element argument of the editor.selection.scrollIntoView() API is now optional, and if it is not provided the current selection will be scrolled into view.

Functionality changes

The following functionality changes were made for the TinyMCE 5.10 release:

  • The deprecated scope attribute is no longer added to td cells when converting a row to a header row.

  • The number of col elements is normalized to match the number of columns in a table after a table action.

Accompanying Premium Plugin changes

The following premium plugin updates were released alongside TinyMCE 5.10.

Advanced Tables 1.2.0

The TinyMCE 5.10 release includes an accompanying release of the Advanced Tables premium plugin.

Advanced Tables 1.2.0 introduces the following enhancements:

  • Added getRowType property to the series generator info argument. For details, see GeneratorInfo.

Advanced Tables 1.2.0 provides the following bug fixes:

  • The selection could be placed in an invalid location when a row numbering column was updated.

For information on the Advanced Tables plugin, see: Advanced Tables plugin.

Real-time Collaboration 1.1.1

The TinyMCE 5.10 release includes an accompanying release of the RTC premium plugin.

RTC 1.1.1 adds the following new features:

  • Added support for the indent_use_margin option.

  • Added validation of document and role JWT claims. For details, see: Optional JWT claims.

  • Added support for the allow_unsafe_link_target and rel_list options.

  • RTC will now automatically recover from temporary network connection issues. If the network issues are persistent it will show a disconnected notification after 30 seconds.

RTC 1.1.1 introduces the following enhancements:

  • Improved compatibility with future server changes.

  • Undo now splits local undo levels more intelligently based on remote changes.

  • Crash logs now include more details about the websocket connection.

  • Reduced bundle size by 21kb with Slate version 0.65.3.

  • Added better error handling while establishing a session.

RTC 1.1.1 provides the following bug fixes:

  • Images inserted by the emoticons plugin were resizable in the editor view.

  • Clear Formatting did not work on collapsed selections.

  • Disconnect was not clean if the page unloaded without removing the editor.

For information on the RTC plugin, see: RTC plugin.

Spell Checker Pro 2.5.0

The TinyMCE 5.10 release includes an accompanying release of the Spell Checker Pro premium plugin.

Spell Checker Pro 2.5.0 introduces the following enhancements:

Spell Checker Pro 2.5.0 provides the following bug fixes:

  • The "Ignore all" action would incorrectly affect words that were in a different language to the selected word, if they were spelled the same.

For information on the Spell Checker Pro plugin, see: Spell Checker Pro plugin.

Accompanying Premium self-hosted server-side component changes

The TinyMCE 5.10 release includes accompanying changes affecting the TinyMCE self-hosted services for the following plugins:

  • The Enhanced Media Embed plugin (mediaembed)

  • The Export plugin (export)

  • The Image Tools plugin (imagetools)

  • The Link Checker plugin (linkchecker)

  • The Spell Checker Pro plugin (tinymcespellchecker)

The Java server-side components have been updated to the following versions:

  • ephox-spelling.war: 2.118.0

  • ephox-hyperlinking.war: 2.105.5

  • ephox-image-proxy.war: 2.105.4

These versions require Java 8 or higher. For information on the removal of Java 7 support, see: Removal of Java 7 support for TinyMCE 5.3 and later.

New Server-side component features

The Spelling service now includes a new configuration option, allowing the server to reject spelling requests that contain too many incorrect words. For details, see: Configure server-side components: num-incorrect-words-in-suggestions-request-limit.

Image Proxy service patch release

Version 2.105.4 of the image proxy service returns a new error when Content-Length is not present on the image being proxied.

Hyperlinking service patch release

Version 2.105.5 of the hyperlinking service includes a fix to send Accept headers with the link-checking requests.

For information on:

Updating the self-hosted server-side components

The new versions of the server-side services provide updates for the Java-based server-side components. To deploy the updated version of the server-side components:

  1. Update your Java Application Server to the minimum required version:

    • Eclipse Jetty 9.4 or later

    • Apache Tomcat:

      • 9 or later

      • 8.5.12+

      • 8.0.42+

      • 7.0.76+

  2. Replace the existing server-side .war files with the .war files bundled with TinyMCE 5.10 or later.

For information on:

General bug fixes

TinyMCE 5.10 provides fixes for the following bugs:

  • Fixed a regression that caused block wrapper formats to apply and remove incorrectly when using a collapsed selection with multiple words.

  • Resizing table columns in some scenarios would resize the column to an incorrect position.

  • Inserting a table where the parent element had padding would cause the table width to be incorrect.

  • The resize backdrop element did not have the data-mce-bogus="all" attribute set to prevent it being included in output.

  • Resize handles appeared on top of dialogs and menus when using an inline editor.

  • Fixed the autoresize plugin incorrectly scrolling to the top of the editor content in some cases when changing content.

  • Fixed the editor.selection.scrollIntoView() type signature, as it incorrectly required an Element instead of HTMLElement.

  • Table cells that were both row and column headers did not retain the correct state when converting back to a regular row or column.

  • Clicking beside a non-editable element could cause the editor to incorrectly scroll to the top of the content.

  • Clicking in a table cell, with a non-editable element in an adjacent cell, incorrectly caused the non-editable element to be selected.

  • Split toolbar buttons incorrectly had nested tabindex="-1" attributes.

  • Fixed notifications rendering in the wrong place initially and when the page was scrolled.

  • Fixed an exception getting thrown when the number of col elements didn’t match the number of columns in a table.

  • The table selection state could become incorrect after selecting a noneditable table cell.

  • As of Mozilla Firefox 91, toggling fullscreen mode with toolbar_sticky enabled would cause the toolbar to disappear.

  • Fixed the image and media toolbar buttons incorrectly appearing to be in an inactive state in some cases.

  • Fixed the editor.selection.selectorChanged API not firing if the selector matched the current selection when registered in some cases.

  • Inserting content into a contenteditable="true" element that was contained within a contenteditable="false" element would move the selection to an incorrect location.

  • Dragging and dropping contenteditable="false" elements could result in the element being placed in an unexpected location.

  • Pressing the Escape key would not cancel a drag action that started on a contenteditable="false" element within the editor.

  • video and audio elements were unable to be played when the media plugin live embeds were enabled in some cases.

  • Pasting images would throw an exception if the clipboard items were not files (for example, screenshots taken from gnome-software). Patch contributed by cedric-anne.

Security fixes

TinyMCE 5.10 provides fixes for the following security issues.

Fixed URLs not cleaned correctly in some cases in the link and image plugins. This caused a medium severity Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability. Tiny Technologies would like to thank Yakir6 for discovering this vulnerability.

Deprecated features

For a full list of the features deprecated since the release of TinyMCE 5.0, see: List of upcoming changes for TinyMCE 6.

The following features have been deprecated with the release of TinyMCE 5.10:


Image Tools (imagetools)

TinyMCE 5.10 includes the final release of the Image Tools plugin (imagetools) as an open source plugin. The Image Tools plugin will be removed from the open source bundle and be available as a premium plugin from TinyMCE 6.0.

Table of Contents (toc)

TinyMCE 5.10 includes the final release of the Table of Contents (toc) as an open source plugin. The Table of Contents plugin will be removed from the open source bundle and be available as a premium plugin from TinyMCE 6.0.


The following settings are not being deprecated, but a supported value or behavior will be removed in TinyMCE 6.0.


The toolbar_mode option will no-longer accept the false value in TinyMCE 6.0, which was retained for backwards compatibility with the toolbar_drawer option. Use 'wrap' instead to keep the same functionality as false.


The forced_root_block option will no-longer accept the false value or an empty string value in TinyMCE 6.0. Setting forced_root_block to false is not compatible with Real-time Collaboration. It also blocks various editor functions from working correctly and causes non-semantic HTML to be generated.

The following options have been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10.


The autoresize_on_init option does not affect the autoresize behavior in TinyMCE 5, as the editor will always resize regardless of this option. This option would only forcibly resize at short intervals after the editor has initialized, which is no longer required and as such will be removed.


The convert_fonts_to_spans option would convert font elements to span styles to assist with the migration to newer HTML standards. Font elements were included in HTML 3 or earlier standards and have since been deprecated or removed.


The media_scripts option is no longer useful in the modern web and did not work in most cases. As such it has been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10.


The Microsoft Word specific paste handling functionality will be removed from the paste plugin. As a result, the paste_convert_word_fake_lists option will be removed in TinyMCE 6.0.


The Microsoft Word specific paste handling functionality will be removed from the paste plugin. As a result, the paste_retain_style_properties option will be removed in TinyMCE 6.0.


The Microsoft Word specific paste handling functionality will be removed from the paste plugin. As a result, the paste_word_valid_elements option will be removed in TinyMCE 6.0.


The following API classes, methods, or properties have been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10.

tinymce.Env API properties

The following legacy properties were deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10

  • tinymce.Env.fileApi

The tinymce.dom.DomQuery API class

The tinymce.dom.DomQuery class has been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10. For information on the deprecated class, see: tinymce.dom.DomQuery.

The tinymce.dom.Sizzle API class

The tinymce.dom.Sizzle class has been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10. This API class is undocumented and can be found in the TinyMCE source code: GitHub - tinymce/tinymce - Sizzle.ts.

tinymce.html.Schema API methods

The getSpecialElements method has been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10. For information on the getSpecialElements method, see: tinymce.html.Schema - getSpecialElements.

tinymce.html.Styles API methods

The toHex method has been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10. For information on the toHex method, see: tinymce.html.Styles - tohex.

tinymce API properties

The editors and settings (undocumented) properties have been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10. For information on the deprecated properties, see: tinymce - properties.

tinymce.AddOnManager API methods

The addComponents and dependencies (undocumented) methods have been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10. For information on the deprecated methods, see: tinymce.AddOnManager.

tinymce.Editor API methods

The execCallback and setMode methods and validate (undocumented) property have been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10. For information on the deprecated methods, see: tinymce.Editor - methods.

The tinymce.util.Color API class

The undocumented tinymce.util.Color API class has been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10. Details of this class can be found in the tinymce.util.Color source code.

tinymce.util.Delay API methods

The following API methods were deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10:

  • clearInterval

  • clearTimeout

  • debounce

  • requestAnimationFrame

  • setInterval

  • setTimeout

  • throttle

For all methods except debounce and throttle, use the native APIs instead. For information on these methods, see: tinymce.util.Delay - methods.

The tinymce.util.JSON API class

The tinymce.util.JSON class has been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10. Use the native JSON API instead. For information on the deprecated class, see: tinymce.util.JSON.

The tinymce.util.JSONRequest API class

The tinymce.util.JSONRequest class has been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10. For information on the deprecated class, see: tinymce.util.JSONRequest.

tinymce.util.Tools API methods

The create and createNS methods have been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10. For information on the deprecated methods, see: tinymce.util.Tools method

The tinymce.util.XHR API class

The tinymce.util.XHR class has been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10. Use the native Fetch API instead. For information on the deprecated class, see: tinymce.util.XHR.

Upgrading to the latest version of TinyMCE 5

The procedure for upgrading to the latest version of TinyMCE 5 depends on the deployment type.

Upgrading Tiny Cloud

Tiny Cloud provides the latest enterprise version of TinyMCE. For information on configuring Tiny Cloud, see: the Cloud deployment guide.

Upgrading TinyMCE Self-hosted manually

To upgrade to TinyMCE 5.10 using a manually downloaded package:

  1. Backup the tinymce/ directory so any customizations can be restored after the upgrade.

    Customizations for TinyMCE are typically stored in the following directories:

    โ”œโ”€โ”€ icons/
    โ”œโ”€โ”€ langs/
    โ”œโ”€โ”€ plugins/
    โ”œโ”€โ”€ skins/
    โ”‚   โ”œโ”€โ”€ content/
    โ”‚   โ””โ”€โ”€ ui/
    โ””โ”€โ”€ themes/
  2. Download the latest version of TinyMCE.

    • For the TinyMCE Community Version, download tinymce_<VERSION>.zip from Get TinyMCE - Self-hosted releases, where <VERSION> is the latest version of TinyMCE.

    • For the TinyMCE Enterprise Version, download the TinyMCE Enterprise Bundle from Tiny Account > Downloads. The downloaded file will be named enterprise_latest.zip.

  3. Extract the downloaded .zip file to a temporary location.

  4. (If required) Install the latest language packs from Get TinyMCE - Language Packages.

  5. Copy customizations to the new tinymce/ directory. Ensure that only custom changes are added the new tinymce/ directory, such as:

    • Custom icons packs

    • Custom plugins

    • Custom skins

    • Custom themes

  6. Delete the existing tinymce/ directory and replace with the new tinymce/.

To simplify the upgrade process to future versions of TinyMCE:

  1. Host the TinyMCE customizations outside of the tinymce/ directory.

  2. Update your TinyMCE configuration as required:

    • Set the location of content CSS customizations using content_css.

    • Set the location of custom plugins using external_plugins.

    • Set the location of custom icon packages using icons_url instead of icons.

    • Set the location of custom localization packages using language_url instead of language.

    • Set the location of custom skin packages using skin_url instead of skin.

    • Set the location of custom themes using theme_url instead of theme.