TinyMCE 5.9


TinyMCE 5.9 was released for TinyMCE Enterprise and Tiny Cloud on Wednesday, September 15th, 2021. It includes TinyMCE 5.9.2 and changes to premium plugins. These release notes provide an overview of the changes for TinyMCE 5.9, including:

This is the Tiny Cloud and TinyMCE Enterprise release notes. For information on the latest community version of TinyMCE, see: TinyMCE Changelog.

New features

The following new features were added for the TinyMCE 5.9 release.

New language toolbar button and menu item in core

TinyMCE 5.9 now supports multilingual content, using the lang attribute. There is a new language toolbar button, and a new language menu item, both configured using the content_langs option. There is also a new Lang editor command for changing the language of the selection.

For information on:

New Table plugin features

New table commands

The following commands have been added to the table plugin to improve the usability:


Allows the user to add or remove a class on selected cells.


Allows the user to add or remove a class from the selected table.


Allows the user to add or remove a caption from the selected table.

For information on these commands, see: Table - Commands

New table toolbar buttons and menu items

TinyMCE 5.9 adds new buttons and menu items for the Table plugin to improve the user experience when working with tables. The toolbar buttons and menu item use the same name (identifier). These toolbar buttons and menu items can be added to contextual menus (right-click menus) and contextual toolbars such as the table toolbar. The following toolbar buttons and menu items have been added:


Allows the user to add or remove a class from the selected table. Available classes are defined by the table_class_list option.


Allows the user to add or remove a class from selected cells. Available classes are defined by the table_cell_class_list option.


Allows the user to set the vertical alignment for the content of selected cells.


Allows the user to set the border width on selected table cells. The available widths are set with the table_border_widths option.


Allows the user to set the border style on selected table cells. The available styles are set with the table_border_styles option.


Toggles the caption on the selected table.


Allows the user to change the background color of selected cells. The available colors are set by the table_background_color_map option or color_map option.


Allows the user to change the border color of selected cells. The available colors are set by the table_border_color_map option or color_map option.


Allows the user to toggle selected rows into headers.


Allows the user to toggle selected columns into headers.

For information on these buttons, see: Available toolbar buttons For information on these menu items, see: Available menu items

New table options

TinyMCE 5.9 adds new options for the Table plugin to improve the user experience when working with tables. These new options are optional, and allows further customization of user experience.


Allows setting a specific set of background colors to be used by the tablecellbackgroundcolor toolbar button and menu item, overriding the defaults and the colors provided by the color_map option. For information on this option, see: Table options - table_background_color_map.


Allows setting a specific set of border colors to be used by the tablecellbordercolor toolbar button and menu item, overriding the defaults and the colors provided by the color_map option. For information on this option, see: Table options - table_border_color_map.


Allows setting a specific set of widths to be used by the tablecellborderwidth toolbar button and menu item. For information on this option, see: Table options - table_border_widths.


Allows setting a specific set of HTML border styles to be used by the tablecellborderstyle toolbar button and menu item. For information on this option, see: Table options - table_border_styles.

For information on the Table plugin, see: Table plugin.

Additional new features

TinyMCE 5.9 introduces the following minor new features:

  • Added new plugin commands:

    • mceEmoticons opens the Emoticons dialog.

    • mceWordCount displays the Word Count summary dialog.

    • mceTemplate shows the Template dialog.

  • A new iframe_aria_text option for customizing the title attribute on the editor iframe. For details, see: Accessibility options - iframe_aria_text.

  • Added a new mceFocus command that focuses the editor. Equivalent to using editor.focus().

  • Added a new table-row-numbering icon.

  • Added a new DomParser Node.children() API to return all the children of a Node.


The following enhancements were made for the TinyMCE 5.9 release.

Improved context toolbar user experience

TinyMCE 5.9 improves context toolbar positioning by ensuring the toolbar remains in the same position when the user scrolls. Additionally, the context toolbar repositions if the toolbar will overlap the selected content or the cursor. For example: Prior to this improvement, if a user was editing a table, the context toolbar may have covered cells in the first row while it was being edited. Now, when clicking into any cell within that row, the toolbar will move to the bottom of the viewport instead.

To further enhance the user experience, the context toolbar will now use a short animation when the toolbar transitions between different locations.

Enchanced context toolbar behavior

For information on context toolbars, see: UI components - Context toolbar.

New toolbar_sticky_offset option for customizing sticky toolbars

The new toolbar_sticky_offset option allows the main toolbar to "dock" at a specified offset from the top or bottom of the view, depending on the toolbar location (set using the toolbar_location option).

For information on the toolbar_sticky_offset option, see: User interface options - toolbar_sticky_offset.

Enhanced UI rendering performance

The User Interface has been profiled to find performance bottlenecks and a number of improvements have been made to increase the rendering speed. TinyMCE 5.9 should now be up to 20% faster at rendering the UI components, which also leads to an improved editor initialization time.

Additional enhancements

TinyMCE 5.9 introduces the following minor enhancements:

  • Fancy menu items now accept an initData property to allow custom initialization data.

  • Improved the load time of the fullpage plugin by using the existing editor schema rather than creating a new one.

  • Env.browser now uses the User-Agent Client Hints API where it is available.

  • Icons with a -rtl suffix in their name will now automatically be used when the UI is rendered in right-to-left mode.

  • The formatter.match API now accepts an optional similar parameter to check if the format partially matches.

  • The formatter.formatChanged API now supports providing format variables when listening for changes.

  • The formatter will now fire FormatApply and FormatRemove events for the relevant actions.

  • The autolink plugin link detection now permits custom protocols.

  • The autolink plugin valid link detection has been improved.

Functionality changes

The following functionality changes were made for the TinyMCE 5.9 release:

  • Changed the load order so content CSS is loaded before the editor is populated with content.

  • Changed the emoticons, wordcount, code, codesample, and template plugins to open dialogs using commands.

  • The context toolbar will no longer show an arrow when it overlaps the content, such as in table cells.

  • The context toolbar will no longer overlap the statusbar for toolbars using node or selection positions.

Accompanying Premium Plugin changes

The following premium plugin updates were released alongside TinyMCE 5.9.

Advanced Tables 1.1.0

The TinyMCE 5.9 release includes an accompanying release of the Advanced Tables premium plugin.

Advanced Tables 1.1.0 provides the following new features:

This release adds row numbering functionality, allowing users to add (and remove) row numbering columns on tables. For details, see: Advanced Tables plugin - Adding row numbering to a table. This includes:

  • Added a new advtablerownumbering toolbar button and menu item.

  • Added a new advtable_value_series option.

  • Added a new mceTableToggleSeries command.

For information on the Advanced Tables plugin, see: Advanced Tables plugin.

Mentions 2.3.0

The TinyMCE 5.9 release includes an accompanying release of the Mentions premium plugin.

Mentions 2.3.0 adds the "profile" card feature to the mentions_menu_hover callback.

Mentions 2.3.0 also fixes the "profile" cards not displaying the fullName property when available.

For information on the Mentions plugin, see: Mentions plugin.

PowerPaste 5.6.0

The TinyMCE 5.9 release includes an accompanying release of the PowerPaste premium plugin.

PowerPaste 5.6.0 introduces the following enhancements:

  • The powerpaste_word_import, powerpaste_googledocs_import, and powerpaste_html_import options now also accept asynchronous functions. This allows the paste mode to be dynamically set each time a user pastes relevant content. It is designed to be used, for example, to replicate the prompt dialog with a custom dialog.

  • More URLs can now be detected with the smart_paste option. Specifically, custom URL scheme detection is more accurate. For more information on URL schemes, see: What is a URL - Scheme.

PowerPaste 5.6.0 provides the following bug fixes:

  • Word content was incorrectly parsed when copied from a German user interface.

  • Paste incorrectly inserted content when the editor was in readonly mode.

For information on the PowerPaste plugin, see: PowerPaste plugin.

Real-time Collaboration 1.0.1

The TinyMCE 5.9 release includes the first generally available cloud release of the Real-time Collaboration (RTC) premium plugin (version 1.0.1).

Add collaborative editing to your application and allow your content teams to edit content simultaneously and view content changes as they happen.

The RTC plugin features:

  • End-to-end encryption to keep content private.

  • A growing list of compatible TinyMCE plugins and features, including: PowerPaste, Tiny Drive, Images, Lists, custom and premium skins and icons.

  • A user presence API to assist with showing a list of connected collaborators.

  • JSON Web Token based authentication.

For information on using the Real-time Collaboration (RTC) plugin, see: Real-time Collaboration plugin. For sales information, visit: TinyMCE Features - Real-time Collaboration.

Spell Checker Pro 2.4.1

The TinyMCE 5.9 release includes an accompanying release of the Spell Checker Pro premium plugin.

Spell Checker Pro 2.4 (2.4.1) adds the following new features:

Spell Checker Pro 2.4.1 includes the following changes:

  • The spellchecker_select_languages option has been deprecated and has been replaced by the content_langs option, see: The spellchecker_select_languages option.

  • Language code validation has been moved from the client to the server.

  • The Spell Checker Pro plugin has been upgraded to use version 2 of the spelling service API.

  • The "Change" button text in the spellchecker dialog has been changed to "Accept".

Spell Checker Pro 2.4.1 introduces the following improvements:

Spell Checker Pro 2.4.1 provides the following bug fixes:

  • Links with a URL as the text content were incorrectly spellchecked.

  • Resizing the editor with as-you-type mode enabled wouldnโ€™t spellcheck words that came into view.

For information on the Spell Checker Pro plugin, see: Spell Checker Pro plugin.

Accompanying Premium Skins and Icon Packs changes

The TinyMCE 5.9 release includes an accompanying release of the Premium Skins and Icon Packs.

Premium Skins and Icon Packs - New features

The following icons have been added to all premium icon packs:

The Bootstrap icon pack has been updated with the latest Bootstrap icons and includes improved table-cell-properties and table-row-properties icons.

The Material, Small, and Thin icon packs have been updated to include improved table-cell-properties and table-row-properties icons.

For information on using premium skins and icon packs, see: Premium Skins and Icon Packs.

Accompanying Premium self-hosted server-side component changes

The TinyMCE 5.9 release includes accompanying changes affecting the TinyMCE self-hosted services for the following plugins:

  • The Enhanced Media Embed plugin (mediaembed)

  • The Export plugin (export)

  • The Image Tools plugin (imagetools)

  • The Link Checker plugin (linkchecker)

  • The Spell Checker Pro plugin (tinymcespellchecker)

The Java server-side components have been updated to the following versions:

  • ephox-spelling.war: 2.117.3

  • ephox-hyperlinking.war: 2.105.4

  • ephox-image-proxy.war: 2.105.3

These versions require Java 8 or higher. For information on the removal of Java 7 support, see: Removal of Java 7 support for TinyMCE 5.3 and later.

New Server-side component features

The Spelling service now supports a broader range of dictionaries by introducing support for Hunspell dictionaries.

The Spelling service now includes a new configuration option, allowing custom dictionaries to periodically deploy changes. For details, see: Configure server-side components: dynamic-custom-dictionaries.

All the services now include an ignore-port port option to allow ports specified in allowed-origins to be enforced. For details, see: Configure server-side components: allowed-origins.ignore-port (optional).

For information on:

Server-side component security fixes

The server-side components (.war files) packaged with the TinyMCE 5.9 release have been updated to address various security issues.

Stability fixes for the pre-configured server-side component Dockerfiles

The pre-configured Dockerfiles for containerizing the server-side components, also known as the Docker starter kits, have been updated to improve stability. Note that the resulting docker image will be larger as a result of these changes.

For information on deploying the server-side components using Docker, see: Containerized service deployments.

Updating the self-hosted server-side components

The new versions of the server-side services provide updates for the Java-based server-side components. To deploy the updated version of the server-side components:

  1. Update your Java Application Server to the minimum required version:

    • Eclipse Jetty 9.4 or later

    • Apache Tomcat:

      • 9 or later

      • 8.5.12+

      • 8.0.42+

      • 7.0.76+

  2. Replace the existing server-side .war file with the .war file bundled with TinyMCE 5.9 or later.

For information on:

General bug fixes

TinyMCE 5.9 provides fixes for the following bugs:

  • The editor.fire API was incorrectly mutating the original args provided.

  • Unbinding an event handler did not take effect immediately while the event was firing.

  • Binding an event handler incorrectly took effect immediately while the event was firing.

  • Unbinding a native event handler inside the remove event caused an exception that blocked editor removal.

  • The SetContent event contained the incorrect content when using the editor.selection.setContent() API.

  • The editor content could be edited after calling setProgressState(true) in iframe mode.

  • Tabbing out of the editor after calling setProgressState(true) behaved inconsistently in iframe mode.

  • Flash of unstyled content while loading the editor because the content CSS was loaded after the editor content was rendered.

  • Partially transparent RGBA values provided in the color_map setting were given the wrong hex value.

  • HTML comments with mismatched quotes were parsed incorrectly under certain circumstances.

  • The editor could crash when inserting certain HTML content.

  • Links in notification text did not show the correct mouse pointer.

  • Using the Tab key to navigate into the editor on Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 would incorrectly focus the toolbar.

  • The editor selection could be placed in an incorrect location when undoing or redoing changes in a document containing contenteditable="false" elements.

  • Menus and context menus were not closed when clicking into a different editor.

  • Context menus on Android were not displayed when more than one HTML element was selected.

  • Disabled nested menu items could still be opened.

  • The nested menu item chevron icon was not fading when the menu item was disabled.

  • imagetools buttons were incorrectly enabled for remote images without imagetools_proxy set.

  • Only table content would be deleted when partially selecting a table and content outside the table.

  • The table cell selection handling was incorrect in some cases when dealing with nested tables.

  • Removing a table row or column could result in the cursor getting placed in an invalid location.

  • Pressing the Tab key to navigate through table cells did not skip noneditable cells.

  • Clicking on a noneditable table cell did not show a visual selection like other noneditable elements.

  • Some table operations would incorrectly cause table row attributes and styles to be lost.

  • The selection was incorrectly lost when using the mceTableCellType and mceTableRowType commands.

  • The mceTableRowType was reversing the order of the rows when converting multiple header rows back to body rows.

  • The table dialog did not always respect the table_style_with_css option.

  • Pasting into a table with multiple cells selected could cause the content to be pasted in the wrong location.

  • The TableModified event was not fired when pasting cells into a table.

  • The table paste column before and after icons were not flipped in RTL mode.

  • Fixed table corruption when deleting a contenteditable="false" cell.

  • The dir attribute was being incorrectly applied to list items.

  • Applying selector formats would sometimes not apply the format correctly to elements in a list.

  • For formats that specify an attribute or style that should be removed, the formatter match API incorrectly returned false.

  • The type signature on the formatter.matchNode API had the wrong return type (was boolean but should have been Formatter | undefined).

  • The formatter.formatChanged API would ignore the similar parameter if another callback had already been registered for the same format.

  • The formatter.formatChanged API would sometimes not run the callback the first time the format was removed.

  • Base64 encoded images with spaces or line breaks in the data URI were not displayed correctly. Patch contributed by RoboBurned

Security fixes

TinyMCE 5.9 provides fixes for the following security issues:

  • Inserting certain HTML content into the editor could result in invalid HTML once parsed. This caused a medium severity Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability. Tiny Technologies would like to thank William Bowling for discovering this vulnerability.

  • The .war files for the premium self-hosted server-side components have been updated to address various high and medium severity security issues.

Deprecated features

The following features have been deprecated with the release of TinyMCE 5.9:

The spellchecker_select_languages option

With the release of TinyMCE 5.9, the spellchecker_select_languages option has been deprecated and has been replaced by the content_langs option.

For information on the content_langs option, see: Spell Checker Pro - content_langs.

The BBCode (bbcode) plugin

The BBCode plugin (bbcode) has been deprecated and will be removed in the 6.0 release of TinyMCE.

To develop and maintain a new BBCode plugin based on the TinyMCE BBCode plugin, you can create a fork using the BBCode plugin source code in the TinyMCE distribution repository.

The Full Page (fullpage) plugin

The Full Page plugin (fullpage) has been deprecated and will be removed in the 6.0 release of TinyMCE.

To develop and maintain a new Full Page plugin based on the TinyMCE Full Page plugin, you can create a fork using the Full Page plugin source code in the TinyMCE distribution repository.

The Legacy Output (legacyoutput) plugin

The Legacy Output plugin (legacyoutput) has been deprecated and will be removed in the 6.0 release of TinyMCE.

To develop and maintain a new Legacy Output plugin based on the TinyMCE Legacy Output plugin, you can create a fork using the Legacy Output plugin source code in the TinyMCE distribution repository.

Reminder: The free TinyMCE Spell Checker plugin

The free TinyMCE Spell Checker plugin (spellchecker) was deprecated with the release of TinyMCE 5.4 and will be removed in the 6.0 release of TinyMCE.

For information on the deprecation of the free TinyMCE Spell Checker plugin, see: TinyMCE 5.4 Release notes - Deprecated features.

Known issues

This section describes issues that users of TinyMCE 5.9 may encounter and possible workarounds for these issues.

Core known issues

"Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not callable" or "Event is not a function. (evaluating 'e instanceof Event')" exceptions


This issue affects developers who have overridden the native browser Event window object, such as those seen in some Vue.js tutorials. This breaks the native Event API which TinyMCE 5.9 makes use of.


Ensure that the Event window or global object is not overridden in your code. The cases reported to Tiny use something similar to window.Event = new Vue();. This should be renamed to something that does not conflict with a browser API, such as window.EventBus = new Vue();. Tiny highly recommends against overriding any built-in browser APIs, as the editor relies on built-in browser API behavior to function as expected.

Table plugin known issues

The new table color map settings do not apply to color pickers in the table dialogs


This issue affects the new table_background_color_map and table_border_color_map options. Setting these options will change the set of colors used in their respective toolbar buttons and menu items, but not the table dialog.


There was no known workaround at the time of the release.

Issues with the new Table Column Header and Table Row Header toolbar buttons and menu items


This issue affects users of the new tablecolheader and tablerowheader toolbar buttons and menu items. Toggling off column or row headers may result in a cell being converted into a normal cell when still part of a header row or column.


There was no known workaround at the time of the release.

Real-time Collaboration (RTC) known issues

Users are unable to add content below an Horizontal Rule (hr) if inserted on the last line


If an hr is inserted at the end of the editor content, placing the cursor below it overwrites the hr.


There was no known workaround at the time of the release.

Circumstances where users are unable to clear content formatting


The clear formatting feature only works with a selection across the text to be cleared.


There was no known workaround at the time of the release.

Possibility of inconsistent undo operations


After adding content locally, when remote users edit that same content, local undo might not work or might remove more text than expected. This will not remove remote content.


There was no known workaround at the time of the release.

Inconsistent editor scrolling behavior when multiple users are editing various areas of a document


When the caret is not visible, remote changes might scroll the editor to make the caret visible.


There was no known workaround at the time of the release.

Connection issues may occur when users delete large sections of content while multiple users are editing


Deleting large sections of content (either deliberately or using undo) may result in a disconnection from the server.


There was no known workaround at the time of the release.

Errors and warnings present in the JavaScript developer console


Several errors and warnings may be shown in the developer console (for example, opening some format menus).


There was no known workaround at the time of the release.

Upgrading to the latest version of TinyMCE 5

The procedure for upgrading to the latest version of TinyMCE 5 depends on the deployment type.

Upgrading Tiny Cloud

Tiny Cloud provides the latest enterprise version of TinyMCE. For information on configuring Tiny Cloud, see: the Cloud deployment guide.

Upgrading TinyMCE Self-hosted manually

To upgrade to TinyMCE 5.10 using a manually downloaded package:

  1. Backup the tinymce/ directory so any customizations can be restored after the upgrade.

    Customizations for TinyMCE are typically stored in the following directories:

    โ”œโ”€โ”€ icons/
    โ”œโ”€โ”€ langs/
    โ”œโ”€โ”€ plugins/
    โ”œโ”€โ”€ skins/
    โ”‚   โ”œโ”€โ”€ content/
    โ”‚   โ””โ”€โ”€ ui/
    โ””โ”€โ”€ themes/
  2. Download the latest version of TinyMCE.

    • For the TinyMCE Community Version, download tinymce_<VERSION>.zip from Get TinyMCE - Self-hosted releases, where <VERSION> is the latest version of TinyMCE.

    • For the TinyMCE Enterprise Version, download the TinyMCE Enterprise Bundle from Tiny Account > Downloads. The downloaded file will be named enterprise_latest.zip.

  3. Extract the downloaded .zip file to a temporary location.

  4. (If required) Install the latest language packs from Get TinyMCE - Language Packages.

  5. Copy customizations to the new tinymce/ directory. Ensure that only custom changes are added the new tinymce/ directory, such as:

    • Custom icons packs

    • Custom plugins

    • Custom skins

    • Custom themes

  6. Delete the existing tinymce/ directory and replace with the new tinymce/.

To simplify the upgrade process to future versions of TinyMCE:

  1. Host the TinyMCE customizations outside of the tinymce/ directory.

  2. Update your TinyMCE configuration as required:

    • Set the location of content CSS customizations using content_css.

    • Set the location of custom plugins using external_plugins.

    • Set the location of custom icon packages using icons_url instead of icons.

    • Set the location of custom localization packages using language_url instead of language.

    • Set the location of custom skin packages using skin_url instead of skin.

    • Set the location of custom themes using theme_url instead of theme.