Tiny Drive Standalone API
Tiny Drive can be used as a generic file manager separate from TinyMCE this is referred to as standalone mode.
Loading the standalone API script
In order to use Tiny Drive in standalone mode you will need to add a script to your page with your API key as part of the URL. The URL is in the following format:
Example: Loading the standalone API script
<script src="https://cdn.tiny.cloud/1/_your_api_key_/tinydrive/5-stable/tinydrive.min.js" referrerpolicy="origin"></script>
token_provider: '/your-local/jwt-provider'
}).then(function (result) {
The tinydrive.pick
method enables you to pick files from Tiny Drive and get the meta data of those files returned in a promise. For a complete list of available settings to pass into this method check the Picker settings section in this page.
File Picker Result Format
The tinydrive.pick
method will return a promise with object that has a files
property. This files
property is an array of files with the following properties.
Interactive example: Using tinydrive.pick
Tiny Drive
<div class="tinydrive-standalone-demo">
<input class="tinydrive-standalone-demo-input" />
<button class="tinydrive-standalone-demo-pick">Pick file</button>
var button = document.querySelector('.tinydrive-standalone-demo-pick');
var input = document.querySelector('.tinydrive-standalone-demo-input');
button.addEventListener('click', function () {
token_provider: '/your-local/jwt-provider'
}).then(function(result) {
input.value = result.files[0].url;
}, false);
The tinydrive.browse
method enables you to browse your files stored in Tiny Drive but without the possibility to pick them to be inserted. This might be useful if you want to use Tiny Drive as a generic file manager. It returns a promise but the promise will only resolve when the Tiny Drive dialog is closed by using the close button. For a complete list of available settings to pass in to this method check the Picker settings section in this page.
Interactive example: Using tinydrive.browse
Tiny Drive
<div class="tinydrive-standalone-demo">
<button class="tinydrive-standalone-demo-browse">Browse</button>
var button = document.querySelector('.tinydrive-standalone-demo-browse');
button.addEventListener('click', function () {
token_provider: '/your-local/jwt-provider'
}).then(function () {
console.log('Dialog closed');
}, false);
The tinydrive.upload
method enables directly upload blobs to your Tiny Drive storage. This can be useful when you want to store a file generated by your app.
Interactive example: Using tinydrive.upload
Tiny Drive
<div class="tinydrive-standalone-demo">
<button class="tinydrive-standalone-demo-upload">Upload</button>
<div class="tinydrive-standalone-demo-percent">0%</div>
var button = document.querySelector('.tinydrive-standalone-demo-upload');
var percent = document.querySelector('.tinydrive-standalone-demo-percent');
button.addEventListener('click', function () {
token_provider: '/your-local/jwt-provider',
path: '/hello',
name: 'hello.txt',
blob: new Blob(['Hello world!']),
onprogress: function (progress) {
percent.innerHTML = Math.round(progress.loaded / progress.total * 100) + '%';
}).then(function () {
console.log('File is uploaded.');
}, false);
Start is similar to pick and browse, the main difference is that method doesn’t have a way of closing the dialog. This can be useful when you want to launch Tiny Drive from an url where there is no application to insert the files into. This might be useful when you want to launch Tiny Drive from an url but not part of a bigger application. For a complete list of available settings to pass in to this method check the Picker settings section in this page.
Generic settings
These settings can be passed to any of the standalone API methods.
This setting could take one of the following two forms:
A URL to a page that takes an HTTP JSON POST request and produces a JSON structure with a valid JWT. It uses a POST request to avoid caching by browsers and proxies.
A function that provides the same token through a callback. This allows making an HTTP request in any desired format. The provider function is a function that has a success and failure callback where the success takes an object with a token property containing the JWT, and the failure callback takes a string to present as an error message if the token could not be produced.
For more information on how to create these tokens, refer to the JWT authentication guide or try one of the starter projects.
Type: String
or Function
Required: yes
Picker settings
These settings are available for the tinydrive.pick / tinydrive.browse / tinydrive.start methods.
This setting enables specifying the Dropbox API key for integrating dropbox into Tiny Drive. For more information on how you obtain this key, refer to the Dropbox integration guide.
Type: string
This setting enables restricting what types of files you want do display based on file type categories. For example if your app needs to insert images only then you can specify ['image']
in the file types array.
Type: Array<string>
This setting enables specifying the Google Drive client ID for integrating Google Drive into Tiny Drive. For more information on how you obtain this ID, refer to the Google Drive integration guide.
Type: string
This setting enables specifying the Google Drive API key for integrating Google Drive into Tiny Drive. For more information on how you obtain this key, refer to the Google Drive integration guide.
Type: string
This setting enables constraining the width/height of uploaded images. When this is enabled any images with a higher width or height than the specified amount would be proportionally resized down to the specified maximum dimension.
Type: Number
This option sets the skin applied to Tiny Drive. The default skin included with Tiny Drive is named "oxide".
Type: String
Default Value: 'oxide'
Possible Values: 'oxide'
, 'oxide-dark'
skin: 'dark',
token_provider: '/your-local/jwt-provider'
}).then(function (result) {
This setting enables you to render Tiny Drive within a target element by using a CSS selector. If the container has display: flex then the container will be filled with the Tiny Drive UI this could be useful if you want to position the Tiny Drive UI inside your web applications interface.
Type: String
Standalone API interfaces
Here is a complete API reference as TypeScript types for developers used to TypeScript syntax.
interface StandaloneApi
pick: (settings: StandalonePickerApiSettings) => Promise<PickerResult>;
browse: (settings: StandalonePickerApiSettings) => Promise<void>;
start: (settings: StandalonePickerApiSettings) => Promise<void>;
upload: (settings: StandaloneUploadApiSettings) => Promise<UploadResult>;
type TokenProviderCallback = (
success: (result: TokenResult) => void,
failure: (error: string) => void
) => void;
interface CommonStandaloneApiSettings {
token_provider: string | TokenProviderCallback;
interface StandalonePickerApiSettings extends CommonStandaloneApiSettings {
filetypes?: string[];
dropbox_app_key?: string;
google_drive_client_id?: string;
google_drive_key?: string;
max_image_dimension?: number;
skin?: string;
target?: string;
interface StandaloneUploadApiSettings extends CommonStandaloneApiSettings {
path?: string;
name: string;
blob: Blob;
onprogress?: (details: UploadProgress) => void;
max_image_dimension?: number;
interface DriveFile {
url: string;
size: number;
name: string;
type: string;
mdate: string;
interface PickerResult {
files: DriveFile[];
interface UploadProgress {
loaded: number;
total: number;
interface UploadResult {
file: DriveFile;