TinyMCE 6.0: Known issues

This section documents the single known issue that TinyMCE 6.0 users may encounter and possible workarounds for this issue.

There are two known issues affecting TinyMCE 6.0.

Unexpected nonbreaking_force_tab: true behavior

In TinyMCE 6.0, if nonbreaking_force_tab is set to true, pressing the tab key when the insertion point is in a table cell produces an unexpected result.

The expected result is for the insertion point to move to the next available cell in the table.

In TinyMCE 6.0, three non-breaking-space entities (   ) are entered into the current cell.

The proximate cause of this incorrect behavior is the move of Tables from plugins to core.

As of this release, however, the specific cause is still being investigated.


Other than keeping nonbreaking_force_tab set to false, no workaround is currently available.

Editor content can overlap with an open floating toolbar drawer when using certain premium skins

In TinyMCE 6.0, content within the TinyMCE editor may visually overlap with the toolbar drawer if

  • the floating toolbar drawer is open; and

  • one of the following premium skins is being used:

    • snow

    • naked

    • outside

    • fabric

The expected behavior is for there to be no overlap between the editor content and the toolbar drawer.


Use a toolbar mode other than the default floating mode. For details, see the toolbar_mode option.

Otherwise, use a different premium skin than noted above. For details, see: Tiny Skins and Icon Packs.