TinyMCE 6.6.2

These are the Tiny Cloud and TinyMCE Enterprise release notes. For information on the latest community version of TinyMCE, see the TinyMCE Changelog.


TinyMCE 6.6.2 was released for TinyMCE Enterprise and Tiny Cloud on Thursday, August 10th, 2023. These release notes provide an overview of the changes for TinyMCE 6.6.2, including:

Accompanying Premium plugin changes

The following premium plugin updates were released alongside TinyMCE 6.6.2.

AI Assistant 1.0.1

The TinyMCE 6.6.2 release includes an accompanying release of the AI Assistant premium plugin.

AI Assistant 1.0.1 includes the following fixes:

Toolbar buttons and menu items were enabled while the dialog was waiting for a final response

The AI Assistant toolbar buttons and menu items provide no functionality while a response is being generated in the AI Assistant dialog. Previously, however, these buttons and items continued to present as enabled during response generation.

With the release of AI Assistant 1.0.1, this has been corrected. The plugin’s toolbar buttons and menu items are now disabled while a response is being generated.

Error events from streaming requests were included in separate threads to the corresponding response event

Previously, when an error occurred while a streaming response was in progress, both an error and response event were added to the current thread.

AI Assistant 1.0.1 corrects this. Now, when an error occurs during an in-progress streaming response, a single event — containing both the error and the response — is added to the current thread.

Preview content was removed when an error is encountered part way through a streaming response

Previously, when an error was encountered while a streaming response was in progress, the AI Assistant dialog removed the partial response when displaying the error.

With the release of AI Assistant 1.0.1, the partial response is left in place, displayed as a finished response.

And the error message is displayed below this, left-in-place, response.

When a response from the AI Assistant dialog was inserted into a selection not in view, the content did not scroll into view

Previously when inserting a response from the AI Assistant dialog at a selection which is above the current view, the inserted content would not be scrolled into view.

In AI Assistant 1.0.1, the response is now inserted after the dialog is closed, allowing the content to be scrolled into view correctly.

For information on the AI Assistant plugin, see: AI Assistant.

Enhanced Image Editing

The TinyMCE 6.6.2 release includes an accompanying release of the Enhanced Image Editing premium plugin.

Enhanced Image Editing 1.1.1 includes the following fix:

Context menu and context toolbar no longer show when the selected image is in a non-editable context

When a TinyMCE instance is setup with editable_root: false set, the entire instance is, by default, a read-only instance.

To allow editing of any portion, that portion must be specifically set as writable (for example, by being within an element that has a contenteditable="true" attribute set).

Previously, however, if an image was in a TinyMCE instance with both an editable_root: false set and the Enhanced Image Editing Premium plugin loaded, bringing up a TinyMCE context menu (eg by right-clicking on the image in a desktop setting or by long-pressing on the image in a mobile setting) allowed the Enhanced Image Editing plugin’s context toolbar to present, which allowed for image manipulation.

Enhanced Image Editing 1.1.1 addresses this. With this update, invoking a context menu in non-editable area no longer brings up the plugin’s context toolbar.

As a consequence, images presented within a TinyMCE instance setup with a editable_root: false set are properly read-only, as expected.

right-clicking on an image, or long-pressing on an image in a mobile instance, still invokes the host browser’s context menu in such a circumstance.

For information on the Enhanced Image Editing plugin, see: Enhanced Image Editing.

Accompanying Premium Skins and Icon Packs changes

The TinyMCE 6.6.2 release includes an accompanying release of the Premium Skins and Icon Packs.

Premium Skins and Icon Packs

The Premium Skins and Icon Packs release includes the following updates:

The Premium Skins and Icon Packs were rebuilt to pull in the changes also incorporated into the default TinyMCE 6.6.2 skin, Oxide.

For information on using premium skins and icon packs, see: Premium Skins and Icon Packs.


TinyMCE 6.6.2 also includes the following improvement:

When Safari is the host browser, content updates for iframe dialog components with streamContent: true set are now throttled to 500ms intervals

When iframe dialog components have streamContent: true set, content is updated using the document.write() method rather than by setting the srcdoc attribute to prevent the iframe from reloading.

This setting stops the iframe from flickering as it updates its contents when the host browser is Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

The flickering still occurred when the host browser was Apple Safari, however.

In TinyMCE 6.6.2, content updates for iframe dialog components with streamContent: true set are throttled to 500ms intervals when Safari is the host browser. This significantly reduces the apparent flickering.

This 500ms throttling is specific to Safari. It is not applied when any browser other than Safari is the host browser.


TinyMCE 6.6.2 also includes the following addition:

Restored filtering option: pad_empty_with_br

TinyMCE 6.6.2 restores a further content filtering option, pad_empty_with_br.

Content filtering options change the way TinyMCE manages input and output.

The pad_empty_with_br option, when set to true, places a <br> tag within empty block elements rather than the default non-breaking space entity, &nbsp;.

That is, when a TinyMCE instance includes the following setting

pad_empty_with_br: true,

empty block elements within said instance


are automatically stored and rendered as


An equivalent filtering option, padd_empty_with_br was removed from TinyMCE 6.0.0.

This new — and correctly spelled — option behaves in essentially identical fashion to the older option.


TinyMCE 6.6.2 also includes the following change:

API comments/documentation: a markup typo and run-on sentences both corrected

A markup typo in /tinymce/modules/tinymce/src/core/main/ts/api/WindowManager.ts resulted in an extraneous html markup tag displaying in the tinymce.WindowManager() documentation.

As well, two run-on sentences in the same file were corrected.

Bug fixes

TinyMCE 6.6.2 also includes the following bug fixes:

On Safari and Firefox, scroll positions were not always maintained when updating the content of a streamContent: true iframe dialog component

On each content update for iframe dialog components with streamContent: true set, the iframe is expected to automatically scroll to the bottom if the pre-update scrolled position is already at the end of the scrollable area. It is also expected, however, that the end-user can freely scroll through the iframe as content updates occur.

When Chrome is the host browser, scroll positions are natively maintained after content updates via document.write(), but this is not the case when either Safari or Firefox are the host browsers. Both these browsers reset the scroll positions to the top.

As a consequence, once the user scrolls up in the iframe as content updates occur and the programmatic scrolling to the bottom no longer occurs, the native behavior takes over. On Safari and Firefox, this results in the scroll being kept at the top even as the user attempts to scroll, which is both against expected behavior and poor UX.

As of TinyMCE 6.6.2, after a content update to a streamContent: true iframe dialog component, if the host browser is Firefox or Safari and the previous scroll position was not at the end of the scrollable area, TinyMCE now programmatically restores the previous scroll position.

On Safari, iframe dialog components did not consistently autoscroll to the end of the scrollable area when streamContent: true was set

TinyMCE 6.6.0 added support for a streamContent setting for iframe dialog components. One of the features of this setting allows the iframe to automatically scroll to the end of the scrollable area on each content update if the scrolled position is already at the end of this area before content updates begin.

However, when Safari was the host browser, when attempting to scroll an iframe component with streamContent: true set before its load event has fired, the scroll unexpectedly jumped back to the top after the iframe loaded.

This made the autoscrolling feature inconsistent on Safari, as it depended on how quickly the iframe loaded after the content update.

In TinyMCE 6.6.2, when Safari is the host browser, the autoscrolling behavior is attached to a one-time event listener that responds to the iframe’s load event on each content update.

This allows iframe dialog components with streamContent: true set to consistently autoscroll to the end of the scrollable area when Safari is the host browser.

Scrolling behavior was inconsistent when updating a streamContent: true iframe dialog component with content lacking an HTML document type declaration

When an iframe dialog has streamContent: true set and the scrolled position is already at the end of the scrollable area, the expected behavior is to maintain this end-of-scrollable-area position by automatically scrolling to the end of the area as content in the scrollable area updates

However, it was found that, when setting content without an HTML document type declaration using document.write(), the scrolling element used to determine scrolling conditions is the iframe’s body, not its document element. And, previously, only the latter was handled. As a consequence, updating the iframe with content without an HTML doctype declaration did not always maintain scroll positions as expected.

TinyMCE 6.6.2 now checks whether the content contains an HTML doctype declaration and, if so, it chooses the iframe’s body as the scrolling element to determine scrolling conditions. This allows content updates for streamContent: true iframe dialog components to behave as expected for both content with and without an HTML doctype declaration.

A warning message was sometimes printed to the browser console when closing a dialog that contained an iframe component

In some circumstances, when a dialog that contained an iframe component was closed, the console warning message, the component must be in a context to execute, was generated.

This happened because, while the dialog was closed, the currently focussed element was not within the TinyMCE instance. This caused the onAction() callback function to set the focus back to the (now closed) dialog element.

In TinyMCE 6.6.2, a check has been implemented:

  • to see if the dialog still exists within the DOM; and

  • to ensure the element with focus is within the TinyMCE instance after a dialog is closed.

As a consequence, the console warning is no longer generated when dialogs with iframe components are closed.

Lists could not be created within editable areas nested inside non-editable areas

TinyMCE 6.5 introduced a check to establish if the current node was within a non-editable context.

As a consequence of this check, if an editable element was nested in a non-editable element, adding a list within the editable element did not work as expected.

Other expected edits — such as changing the selected material’s block element type from paragraph to a heading — worked as expected. It was only adding a list, or making existing material into a list, that did not work as expected.

In TinyMCE 6.6.2, this check has been removed. Adding or making lists within editable elements now works in all expected contexts, including when the editable element is within a non-editable element.

On Safari and Firefox, the border around iframe dialog components did not highlight when focused

TinyMCE 6.6, introduced a new dialog configuration property, border.

When set to true, this property adds a border around iframe dialog components that highlights when the component takes focus. By default, TinyMCE renders this as a blue border around the component.

When either Safari or Firefox were the host browsers, however, the border did not render as expected when this component had focus.

TinyMCE 6.6.2 corrects this. When either Safari or Firefox are the host browsers, iframe dialog components now highlight when taking focus, as expected.

Right-clicking on an image that was in a non-editable area would open the Image plugin’s context menu

When a TinyMCE instance is setup with editable_root: false set, the entire instance is, by default, a read-only instance.

To allow editing of any portion, that portion must be specifically set as writable (for example, by being within an element that has a contenteditable="true" attribute set).

Previously, however, if an image was in a TinyMCE instance with both an editable_root: false set and the Image open source plugin loaded, bringing up a TinyMCE context menu (eg by right-clicking on the image in a desktop setting or by long-pressing on the image in a mobile setting) allowed the Image plugin’s context menu to present, which allowed for image manipulation.

TinyMCE 6.6.2 addresses this. With this update, invoking a context menu in non-editable area no longer brings up any TinyMCE-related context menus.

As a consequence, images presented within a TinyMCE instance setup with a editable_root: false set are properly read-only, as expected.

right-clicking on an image, or long-pressing on an image in a mobile instance, still invokes the host browser’s context menu in such a circumstance.

The color_cols option was not respected when a custom color_map was defined

The color_cols option allows for specifying the number of columns for text color selection grids.

If color_cols is not set, the number of columns displayed by a custom color swatch is, by default, the greater of the square root of the number of colors in the swatch and five (5).

The square root is rounded up and five is the default number of columns a TinyMCE color swatch displays with the default color_map.

For example, for a custom color_map containing 30 colors:

√30 ≅ 5.4772 ≈ 6.

And, since 6 > 5, this custom color selection grid displays six columns.

Setting a color_cols value over-rides this default behavior.

Previously, however, the color_cols option was not respected when a custom color_map was specified. In this circumstance the default method above still specified the number of columns displayed.

TinyMCE 6.6.2 addresses this. As of this update, setting a color_cols value over-rides the default method of calculating the number of displayed columns, as expected.

Known issue

Setting color_cols: 5 still results in the color_cols value not being used.

When color_cols is set to the default number of columns displayed by a TinyMCE color selection grid (ie 5), the default method for calculating the number of displayed columns is used.

The color_cols options were were not rounded to the nearest number when set to a decimal number

Previously, if color_cols was set to a value which included a decimal, the resultant text color selection grid displayed incorrectly.

TinyMCE 6.6.2 addresses this. As of this update, if color_cols is set to a decimal value, TinyMCE rounds the set value to the nearest integer and displays the color selection grid with that many columns.

In this case, TinyMCE rounds using the rounding half up method.

Values x.1–x.4 are rounded to x.

Values x.5–x.9 are rounded to x+1.

If color_cols is set to a decimal value that would, after rounding, be an invalid value (for example, 0.1), TinyMCE continues to act as it did previously. For invalid values, the color_cols option is treated as if it has not been set and reverts to displaying the color selection grid with the default five columns.

An "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null" error would sometimes be thrown when updating the content of a streamContent: true iframe dialog component

During rapid, intermittent, content updates in an iframe dialog component with streamContent: true set, an error — "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null" — would sometimes be thrown when trying to maintain scroll at the bottom of the iframe component.

This was due to the iframe body being inconsistently null, depending on whether it had loaded when the programmatic scrolling occured, which, in turn relied on the iframe body’s scrollHeight as the scroll value.

TinyMCE 6.6.2 uses a numerical y-coord value for Window.scrollTo rather than the iframe body’s scrollHeight.

As a consequence, the "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null" error is no longer thrown, and maintaining scroll at the bottom of a streamContent: true iframe component works as expected.