Bundling an npm version of TinyMCE with CommonJS and Browserify
The following procedure will assist with bundling an npm version of TinyMCE with Browserify using CommonJS syntax. The procedure assumes the user has experience with Browserify and CommonJS syntax. The following steps provide a working example for bundling a basic TinyMCE configuration with Browserify, and provides links to reference pages at the end of the procedure for bundling additional customizations with the editor.
If TinyMCE will be used with a JavaScript framework (such as React.js, Angular, or Vue.js) the bundle will also require the relevant framework integration package (where available). For a list of supported framework integrations, see: Installing TinyMCE.
This guide requires the following:
Node.js and npm
Basic knowledge of how to use Browserify
(Optional: For premium features) The latest premium
bundle of TinyMCE for including premium plugins
and the following development dependencies to the project.-
For example:
npm install tinymce && npm install --save-dev \ promise-polyfill \ browserify \ browserify-css \ brfs
Create a new source file for importing the required components from TinyMCE and configuring the editor.
The following components are required to bundle TinyMCE:
global -
theme -
model -
icon pack. This is always required, but the default icons can be overridden using a custom or premium icon pack. -
A skin for styling the user interface, including toolbars and menus. This can be a community, premium or custom skin.
A content skin for styling UI features within the content such as table and image resizing. This can be a community, premium or custom skin.
The global must be first, the rest can be in any order.
Additional components that are optional but recommended:
Content CSS for styling editor content. There are community and premium style skins available, or use custom content CSS.
Plugins to be used with the editor.
A custom or premium icon pack to extend or override the default icons for toolbar buttons, including contextual toolbars. This can be a premium or custom icon pack.
const fs = require('fs'); /* Import TinyMCE */ const tinymce = require('tinymce/tinymce'); /* Default icons are required. After that, import custom icons if applicable */ require('tinymce/icons/default'); /* Required TinyMCE components */ require('tinymce/themes/silver'); require('tinymce/models/dom'); /* Import a skin (can be a custom skin instead of the default) */ require('tinymce/skins/ui/oxide/skin.css'); /* Import plugins - include the relevant plugin in the 'plugins' option. */ require('tinymce/plugins/advlist'); require('tinymce/plugins/code'); require('tinymce/plugins/emoticons'); require('tinymce/plugins/emoticons/js/emojis'); require('tinymce/plugins/link'); require('tinymce/plugins/lists'); require('tinymce/plugins/table'); /* content UI CSS is required */ const contentUiSkinCss = fs.readFileSync('node_modules/tinymce/skins/ui/oxide/content.css', { encoding: 'UTF-8' }); /* The default content CSS can be changed or replaced with appropriate CSS for the editor content. */ const contentCss = fs.readFileSync('node_modules/tinymce/skins/content/default/content.css', { encoding: 'UTF-8' }); /* Initialize TinyMCE */ exports.render = () => { tinymce.init({ selector: 'textarea#editor', /* All plugins need to be imported and added to the plugins option. */ plugins: 'advlist code emoticons link lists table', toolbar: 'bold italic | bullist numlist | link emoticons', skin: false, content_css: false, content_style: contentUiSkinCss.toString() + '\n' + contentCss.toString(), }); };
Add the TinyMCE assets and configuration into the project and provide a target element to initialize the editor.
const editor = require('./editor.js'); /* Create a textarea with id="editor" for the TinyMCE `selector` option */ const editorArea = () => { var element = document.createElement('textarea'); element.id = 'editor'; return element }; /* Create a parent element for the textarea */ const parent = document.createElement('p'); /* Add elements to page */ parent.appendChild(editorArea()); document.body.appendChild(parent); /* Initialize TinyMCE */ editor.render();
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <title>TinyMCE Browserify Demo</title> </head> <body> <h1>TinyMCE Browserify Demo</h1> <script src="main.bundle.js"></script> </body> </html>
Run Browserify to test the bundle, such as:
browserify -t brfs -g browserify-css src/main.js -o dist/main.bundle.js
If Browserify runs successfully, check that the editor loads in the application. If Browserify fails, review any errors and review the configuration changes in this procedure; you may need to adjust for conflicts or other issues when bundling TinyMCE into an existing project.
Next Steps
For information on:
Adding TinyMCE plugins to the bundle, see: Bundling TinyMCE plugins using module loading.
Using editor content CSS provided by Tiny, including premium CSS included with the Tiny Skins and Icon Packs, see: Bundling TinyMCE content CSS using module loading.
Creating custom editor content CSS, see: Content appearance options -
. -
Using TinyMCE skins provided by Tiny, including premium skins included with the Tiny Skins and Icon Packs, see: Bundling TinyMCE skins using module loading.
Creating a custom skin for TinyMCE, see: Create a skin for TinyMCE.
Using icon packs provided by Tiny, including premium icons packs included with the Tiny Skins and Icon Packs, see: Bundling TinyMCE icon packs using module loading.
Creating a custom icon pack for TinyMCE, see: Create an icon pack for TinyMCE.
Localizing the TinyMCE user interface using a language pack, see: Bundling the User Interface localizations for TinyMCE.