How To Guides

Learn how TinyMCE works with screen readers and how screen readers work with TinyMCE.

Security information for TinyMCE.

Introducing skin creation.

Introducing icon pack creation.

Introducing plugin creation, with an example.

TinyMCE Annotations provides the ability to describe particular features or add general information to a…​

Learn how to make custom notifications.

A server-side upload handler PHP script.

Complete list of menu items available for the menu bar and context menus.

Complete list of toolbar buttons available for the toolbar and quick toolbars.

Complete list of editor commands.

Complete list of icon identifiers.

Complete list of available context menu sections.

List of common editor events

Complete list of keyboard shortcuts.

Bundling TinyMCE with Webpack, rollup.js, or Browserify.

Instructions on how to generate private/public key pairs for the Tiny Cloud