Using the TinyMCE package with the Ruby on Rails framework

This Integration is maintained by a third-party developer. Tiny Technologies, Inc. bears no responsibility for this integration, which is not covered by the Tiny Self-Hosted Software License Agreement. For issues related to the integration, contact the third-party project directly.

Sam Pohlenz maintains the TinyMCE Ruby on Rails gem for integrating TinyMCE into the Ruby on Rails asset pipeline. This procedure creates a basic Ruby on Rails application containing a TinyMCE editor based on our Basic example.


This procedure requires the following programs:


On a command line or command prompt:

  1. Create a new Ruby on Rails project.

    rails new myTinySite
  2. Navigate into the project directory.

    cd myTinySite/
  3. Create a new Rails controller, such as:

    rails generate controller Welcome index

    This creates a controller named Welcome with an action named index.

  4. Set the project home page to index.

    1. Using a text editor, open config/routes.rb, such as:

      nano config/routes.rb
    2. Add root 'welcome#index' to set index as the project home page. For example:

      Rails.application.routes.draw do
        get 'welcome/index'
        root 'welcome#index'
  5. Using a text editor, open the project Gemfile and add the line:

    gem 'tinymce-rails'

    Do not add this line within a group - end element.

  6. Install the tinymce-rails gem using bundle:

    bundle install
  7. Create a TinyMCE configuration file.

    1. Create the config/tinymce.yml file:

      touch config/tinymce.yml
    2. Add a TinyMCE configuration. The configuration must be in the YAML format, such as:

      height: 500
      menubar: false
        - undo redo | blocks | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright | bullist numlist outdent indent | removeformat | help
        - insertdatetime lists media table code help wordcount
  8. Add the following lines within the <head> element of app/views/layouts/application.html.erb to automatically include TinyMCE on pages using the application layout:

    <%= tinymce_assets %>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/tinymce.js"></script>
  9. Create a <textarea> with the initial content Hello, World! for TinyMCE by adding the following lines to app/views/welcome/index.html.erb:

    <%= text_area_tag :content, "Hello, World!", :class => "tinymce" %>
    <%= tinymce %>
  10. On a command line, from the project’s root directory, start the Ruby on Rails server.

    rails server

The page containing the TinyMCE will be accessible at http://localhost:<port>/ (default: http://localhost:3000/).

For information on creating advanced configurations for the third-party TinyMCE Ruby on Rails integration, visit the project on GitHub: Rails Integration for TinyMCE.