
The context property for UI components in TinyMCE enables dynamic activation or deactivation of buttons and menu items based on predefined or custom conditions.

Registering a Context

Methods for adding custom contexts are available in the UI Registry section of the editor API editor.ui.registry.

  • editor.ui.registry.addContext(identifier, predicate: (value: string) ⇒ boolean)

These methods accept two arguments:

  • identifier - a unique name for the context

  • predicate - a function that determines whether the context condition is met. It accepts a single string parameter and returns a boolean:

    • Parameter (string): The value provided in the context syntax (e.g., in 'mode:design', 'design' would be passed to the predicate).

    • Return value (boolean): Returns true if the condition is met (the component should be enabled); otherwise, returns false.

setup: (editor) => {
  editor.ui.registry.addContext('mode', (value: string) => {
    return value === editor.mode.get();

Context Syntax

Contexts are specified using the syntax: <key>:<value>.

  • key - the type of context, used to look up registered contexts.

  • value - the condition passed to the predicate function for evaluation.

To negate any context, place ! before the value, using the format: <key>:!<value>.

Built-in Contexts

TinyMCE provides several built-in contexts:

Name Description


This context is always enabled, regardless of the editor’s state.


This context is used to enable or disable UI components based on the editor’s current mode.

  • mode:design: Enabled only in design mode.

  • mode:readonly: Enabled only in readonly mode.


This context determines if a specific child element can be inserted at the current selection. It uses editor.schema.isValidChild to check if the specified element and its child are valid.

  • insert:p: Enabled if a paragraph can be inserted at the current selection.


This context checks if a specific format can be applied to the current selection, using editor.formatter.canApply.

  • formatting:bold: Enabled if bold formatting can be applied to the current selection.


This context checks if the current selection is editable using editor.selection.isEditable.

Using Context in UI Components

To utilize the context in a UI component, apply the context property.

For example:
setup: (editor) => {
  editor.ui.registry.addButton('customToolbarButton', {
    text: 'button',
    onAction: () => {
    context: 'any'

State Updates

The following events trigger state updates for UI components:

During these updates, UI components re-evaluate their contexts and adjust their enabled or disabled state as needed:
  1. NodeChange: Triggered when the selected node within the editor content changes.

    • Affects: All contexts except mode, including formatting, editable, insert, and custom contexts.

  2. SwitchMode: Triggered when the editor’s mode is changed.

  3. init: Triggered when the editor is fully initialized.