TinyMCE React integration technical reference

Installing the TinyMCE React integration using NPM or Yarn

To install the tinymce-react package and save it to your package.json.

npm install --save @tinymce/tinymce-react

or with Yarn

yarn add @tinymce/tinymce-react

Using TinyMCE React integration in a Bootstrap dialog

To use the TinyMCE React integration inside Bootstrap UI dialogs, add the following React effect hook to a component that renders with the editor. This code is required because Bootstrap blocks all focusin calls from elements outside the dialog.

Bootstrap 5

For Bootstrap 5, the React effect hook contains no JQuery.
useEffect(() => {
  const handler = (e) => {
    if (e.target.closest(".tox-tinymce-aux, .moxman-window, .tam-assetmanager-root") !== null) {
  document.addEventListener("focusin", handler);
  return () => document.removeEventListener("focusin", handler);
}, []);

Bootstrap 4

useEffect(function() {
  var handler = function(e) {
    if ($(e.target).closest(".tox-tinymce, .tox-tinymce-aux, .moxman-window, .tam-assetmanager-root").length) {
  $(document).on('focusin', handler);
  return function() {
    $(document).off('focusin', handler);
}, []);

Configuring the editor

The tinymce-react component provides props for:

Configuring editor source

The tinymce-react integration will try to source TinyMCE in the following order:

  1. The global tinymce will be used, if it is present on the page.

  2. If the tinymceScriptSrc prop is provided, then a script tag will be added to the page to load TinyMCE from the given URL.

  3. If none of the above conditions apply, then a script tag will be added to the page to load TinyMCE from Tiny Cloud.

These props are used to configure how the editor is sourced:


The Tiny Cloud API key. When loading from Tiny Cloud, use this prop to remove the "This domain is not registered…​" warning message.


The Tiny Cloud License key. Use this when self-hosting TinyMCE instead of loading from Tiny Cloud.


The channel of TinyMCE used when loading from Tiny Cloud.


The script loading behavior prop. Allows setting of the async and defer attributes, as well as adding an additional delay in milliseconds.


The URL to use for sourcing TinyMCE, when loading a self-hosted version of TinyMCE.

Configuring page elements

These props provide some control over the page elements that the integration creates:


The id attribute of the element that the editor is initialized on.


Load the editor as part of the page; sharing the page styles and selection.


The tag used for creating an inline editor. Ignored for a classic (iframe) editor.


The name attribute on the textarea tag (HTML element). Used for creating the classic (iframe) editor. Ignored for an inline editor.

Configuring editor options

These props are read when the editor is initialized. Changes after the editor has launched are ignored.


Additional options passed to TinyMCE when it is initialized.


Specify the editor plugins. This will be combined with plugins in the init prop.


Specify the editor toolbar. This will override the toolbar in the init prop.

Managing the editor

These props can be updated after the editor is initialized. Note that there are other events not mentioned here.


Should the editor be in read-only mode.


The starting value of the editor. Changing this value after the editor has loaded will reset the editor (including the editor content).


An event handler for notifying when the editor is about to create an undo level, and preventing it if required. This is important for controlled components that restrict the allowed values of the editor.


An event handler for detecting editor changes. Useful when implementing TinyMCE as a controlled component.


An event handler for notifying when the editor has initialized. Useful for getting the initial value of the editor or obtaining a reference to the editor that can be used for a uncontrolled component.


Sets and enforces the value of the editor. Only used for a controlled component.


Sets the tabindex of the target element that the editor wraps.

Available props

None of the configuration props are required for the TinyMCE React component; however, if the apiKey prop is not configured when loading from Tiny Cloud, a warning message will be shown in the editor. For guidance about which props to use, see: Configuring the editor.


Tiny Cloud API key.

Required for deployments using the Tiny Cloud to provide the TinyMCE editor without the warning message "This domain is not registered…​".

To register for a Tiny Cloud API key, visit the Tiny Account sign-up page. To retrieve the Tiny Cloud API key for an existing Tiny Account, login and visit the Tiny Account Dashboard.

Type: String

Default value: 'no-api-key'

Example: using apiKey



Tiny Cloud License key.

Use this when self-hosting TinyMCE instead of loading from Tiny Cloud. For more information, see: License Key.

Type: String

Default value: undefined

Possible values: undefined, 'gpl' or a valid TinyMCE license key

Example: using licenseKey



Changes the TinyMCE build used for the editor to either a specific version or a channel indicating a stability level.

Type: String

Default value: '7'

Possible values: '7', '7-testing', '7-dev', '7.7'

Changes the TinyMCE build used for the editor to one of the following Tiny Cloud channels:

  • 7 (Default): The current enterprise release of TinyMCE.

  • 7-testing: The current release candidate for the next enterprise release of TinyMCE.

  • 7-dev: The nightly-build version of TinyMCE.

  • A version number such as 7.7: The specific enterprise release version of TinyMCE.

Such as:

  init={{ /* your other settings */ }}


The disabled prop can dynamically switch the editor between a "disabled" (read-only) mode (true) and the standard editable mode (false).

Type: Boolean

Default value: false

Possible values: true, false

Example: using disabled



An id for the editor. Used for retrieving the editor instance using the tinymce.get('ID') method.

Type: String

Default value: Automatically generated UUID

Example: using id



Additional settings passed to the tinymce.init({...}) method used to initialize the editor.

For information on the TinyMCE tinymce.init({...}) method, see: Basic setup.

When using tinymce-react:

  • The init prop does not require the selector or target options

  • If the selector, target, readonly, or license_key options are set using the init prop, they will be overridden by the integration.

Type: Object

Default value: { }

Example: using init

    plugins: 'lists link image paste help wordcount',
    toolbar: 'undo redo | blocks | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | help'


The initial HTML content of the editor. This will reset the editor undo state and the cursor position when changed.

This may be set either before the editor loads, or soon afterwards by an asynchronous process.

Ensure that this is not updated by onEditorChange or the editor will be unusable.

Type: String

Default value: ''

Example: using static initialValue

  initialValue='<p>Once upon a time...</p>'

Example: using asynchronous initialValue

const [initialValue, setInitialValue] = useState(undefined);
useEffect(() => {
  // a real application might do a fetch request here to get the content
  setTimeout(() => setInitialValue('<p>Once upon a time...</p>'), 500);
}, []);

return (


Used to set the editor to inline mode. Using <Editor inline={true} /> is the same as setting {inline: true} in the TinyMCE tinymce.init({...}) method.

For information on inline mode, see: User interface options - inline and Setup inline editing mode.

Type: Boolean

Default value: false

Possible values: true, false

Example: using inline



Used to store the state of the editor outside the TinyMCE React component. This prop is commonly used when using the TinyMCE React component as a controlled component.

It is called with two arguments:


The current value of the editor. This is HTML.


A reference to the editor.

For detailed information on using onEditorChange, see: Using the TinyMCE React component as a controlled component.

Type: EventHandler

outputFormat (removed)

This option was removed with the release of the TinyMCE React component 4.0.0.

This option was used to specify the format of the content produced by the onEditorChange event, however as it did not change the input format it was almost impossible to use correctly.

Example: replacing usage of outputFormat

const [value, setValue] = useState('<p>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog</p>');
const [text, setText] = useState('');

return (
      onInit={(evt, editor) => {
        setText(editor.getContent({format: 'text'}));
      onEditorChange={(newValue, editor) => {
        setText(editor.getContent({format: 'text'}));


Used to include plugins for the editor. Using <Editor plugins='lists' /> is the same as setting {plugins: 'lists'} in the TinyMCE tinymce.init({...}) method.

For information on adding plugins to TinyMCE, see: Add plugins to TinyMCE.

Type: String or Array

Example: using plugins

  plugins='lists code'


Used to configure the rollback timer. This is the milliseconds between an event being emitted by the onEditorChange prop and the value prop being enforced.

When rollback is false the value prop will not be enforced unless it changes.

Type: Number or false

Default value: 200

Example: using rollback

  value="<p>This value will be restored almost as soon as it is changed.</p>"


Used to configure the script tag created to load TinyMCE.

Type: Object

type ScriptLoading = {
  async?: boolean;
  defer?: boolean;
  delay?: number;

Contains 3 settings:


Sets the async attribute on the script tag created to load TinyMCE.

For classic scripts, if the async attribute is present, then the classic script will be fetched in parallel to parsing and evaluated as soon as it is available.
— https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/script#attr-async

Type: Boolean

Default value: false


Sets the defer attribute on the script tag created to load TinyMCE.

This Boolean attribute is set to indicate to a browser that the script is meant to be executed after the document has been parsed, but before firing DOMContentLoaded.
— https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/script#attr-defer

Type: Boolean

Default value: false


The script tag to load TinyMCE will be added after the specified delay in milliseconds.

Type: Number

Default value: 0

Example: loading TinyMCE asynchronously

<Editor scriptLoading={{ async: true }}>

Example: delaying load of TinyMCE for 500 milliseconds

<Editor scriptLoading={{ delay: 500 }}>


Only valid when <Editor inline={true} />. Used to define the HTML element for the editor in inline mode.

Type: String

Default value: 'div'

Example: using tagName



Only valid when the editor is in classic (iframe) mode. Sets the name attribute for the textarea element used for the editor in forms.

Type: String

Example: using textareaName

<form method="post">
  <button type="submit">Submit</button>


Used to set the toolbar for the editor. Using <Editor toolbar='bold' /> is the same as setting {toolbar: 'bold'} in the TinyMCE method tinymce.init({...}).

For information setting the toolbar for TinyMCE, see: User interface options - toolbar.

Type: String

Example: using toolbar

  toolbar='bold italic underline code'


Use the tinymceScriptSrc prop to specify an external version of TinyMCE to lazy load.

Type: String

Example: using tinymceScriptSrc



Sets the HTML content of the editor when operating as a controlled component.

When this prop is different to the current editor content, the editor content will be changed to match (within 200 milliseconds) and an undo level will be created. When the editor content changes by this mechanism, the editor will attempt to retain the selection, however if the previous selection does not exist in the new content, the cursor returns to the start of the document.

This prop allows the editor to be used as a controlled component by setting the value prop and using the onEditorChange event to update the value.

For detailed information on using the value prop, see: Using the TinyMCE React component as a controlled component.

Type: String


Use the tabIndex prop to set the tabindex on the target element that the editor wraps.

Type: Number

Example: using tabIndex


Using the TinyMCE React component as a uncontrolled component

The TinyMCE React component is designed to be used as an uncontrolled component, which allows the editor to perform well on larger documents.

When using the editor as an uncontrolled component, avoid using the value and onEditorChange props. Tiny recommends retrieving the editor content when it is needed. The onInit event handler can be used to store a editor reference when the editor is loaded to assist with retrieving the content.

To provide visual feedback to the user when the content is ready to be saved, use the onDirty event handler; combined with clearing the editor’s "dirty" state when saving the editor content.

The editor is "dirty" (or in a "dirty" state) when the user modifies editor content after initialization or the last tinymce.editor.save() call. This includes changes made using undo or redo.

Example: functional uncontrolled component with save button and dirty state

function MyComponent({initialValue}) {
  const editorRef = useRef(null);
  const [dirty, setDirty] = useState(false);
  useEffect(() => setDirty(false), [initialValue]);
  const save = () => {
    if (editorRef.current) {
      const content = editorRef.current.getContent();
      // an application would save the editor content to the server here
  return (
        onInit={(evt, editor) => editorRef.current = editor}
        onDirty={() => setDirty(true)}
      <button onClick={save} disabled={!dirty}>Save</button>
      {dirty && <p>You have unsaved content!</p>}

Using the TinyMCE React component as a controlled component

The controlled component can have performance problems on large documents as it requires converting the entire document to a string on each keystroke or modification.

To use the editor as a controlled component, both the value and onEditorChange props are required.

The value prop is used to set and re-set the editor content. If it is not updated to the latest version of the editor content, the editor will rollback any changes.

The onEditorChange prop is used to provide an event handler that will be run when any change is made to the editor content. Changes to the editor must be applied to the value prop within 200 milliseconds to prevent the changes being rolled back.

Example: functional controlled component

function MyComponent({initialValue}) {
  const [value, setValue] = useState(initialValue ?? '');
  useEffect(() => setValue(initialValue ?? ''), [initialValue]);
  return (
      onEditorChange={(newValue, editor) => setValue(newValue)}

Example: class controlled component

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = { value: props.initialValue ?? '' };
    this.handleEditorChange = this.handleEditorChange.bind(this);

  componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
    if (this.props.initialValue !== prevProps.initialValue) {
      this.setState({ value: this.props.initialValue ?? '' })

  handleEditorChange(value, editor) {
    this.setState({ value });

  render() {
    return (

When the editor must be restricted to avoid invalid states, such as exceeding a maximum length, then a handler for onBeforeAddUndo must be added to avoid those states in the undo history.

Example: limited length controlled component

function MyComponent({initialValue, limit}) {
  const sizeLimit = limit ?? 50;
  const [ value, setValue ] = React.useState(initialValue ?? '');
  const [ length, setLength ] = React.useState(0);

  const handleInit = (evt, editor) => {
    setLength(editor.getContent({ format: 'text' }).length);

  const handleUpdate = (value, editor) => {
    const length = editor.getContent({ format: 'text' }).length;
    if (length <= sizeLimit) {

  const handleBeforeAddUndo = (evt, editor) => {
    const length = editor.getContent({ format: 'text' }).length;
    // note that this is the opposite test as in handleUpdate
    // because we are determining when to deny adding an undo level
    if (length > sizeLimit) {

  return (
      <p>Remaining: {sizeLimit - length}</p>

For information on controlled components in React, see: React Docs - Controlled Components.

Event binding

Functions can be bound to editor events, such as:

<Editor onSelectionChange={this.handlerFunction} />

When the handler is called (handlerFunction in this example), it is called with two arguments:


The TinyMCE event object.


A reference to the editor.

The following events are available:

  • onActivate

  • onAddUndo

  • onBeforeAddUndo

  • onBeforeExecCommand

  • onBeforeGetContent

  • onBeforeRenderUI

  • onBeforeSetContent

  • onBeforePaste

  • onBlur

  • onChange

  • onClearUndos

  • onClick

  • onContextMenu

  • onCompositionEnd

  • onCompositionStart

  • onCompositionUpdate

  • onCopy

  • onCut

  • onDblclick

  • onDeactivate

  • onDirty

  • onDrag

  • onDragDrop

  • onDragEnd

  • onDragGesture

  • onDragOver

  • onDrop

  • onExecCommand

  • onFocus

  • onFocusIn

  • onFocusOut

  • onGetContent

  • onHide

  • onInit

  • onInput

  • onKeyDown

  • onKeyPress

  • onKeyUp

  • onLoadContent

  • onMouseDown

  • onMouseEnter

  • onMouseLeave

  • onMouseMove

  • onMouseOut

  • onMouseOver

  • onMouseUp

  • onNodeChange

  • onObjectResizeStart

  • onObjectResized

  • onObjectSelected

  • onPaste

  • onPostProcess

  • onPostRender

  • onPreProcess

  • onProgressState

  • onRedo

  • onRemove

  • onReset

  • onSaveContent

  • onSelectionChange

  • onSetAttrib

  • onSetContent

  • onShow

  • onSubmit

  • onUndo

  • onVisualAid