TinyMCE Web Component technical reference
Covered in this section:
Use a cloud version of the TinyMCE Web Component integration
To use a cloud version of Web Component, the integration is accessible from JSDelivr.
For example:
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tinymce/tinymce-webcomponent@2/dist/tinymce-webcomponent.min.js"></script>
Installing the TinyMCE Web Component integration
To add the TinyMCE Web Component integration to a JavaScript project, on command line or command prompt, run the following:
NPM users:
npm i --save @tinymce/tinymce-webcomponent
sh -
Yarn users:
yarn add @tinymce/tinymce-webcomponent
Loading TinyMCE
The integration requires both the TinyMCE Web Component (tinymce-webcomponent.min.js
) and TinyMCE (tinymce.min.js
If TinyMCE is not available for TinyMCE Web Component, the latest version of TinyMCE will be automatically loaded from the Tiny Cloud.
To use TinyMCE Web Component with a self-hosted copy of TinyMCE, ensure that the self-hosted copy of TinyMCE can be loaded in the same location as the TinyMCE Web Component (such as the same web page).
To use TinyMCE from the Tiny Cloud, add the api-key
attribute to the tinymce-editor
element with an API from Tiny Account.
Configuring the editor
The editor is configured by setting attributes on the tinymce-editor
custom element. All attributes may be represented as strings, however some attributes will accept boolean or number inputs. Where an array, object, or function is a valid input; examples have been provided.
Setting the initial content
To set the initial editor content, add encoded HTML to the tinymce-editor
element as content, such as:
<p>This will be the initial content of the editor.</p>
The editor will load the text content in the tinymce-editor
element as the initial HTML.
The HTML must be encoded as text to prevent injected javascript from running, which may have an unintended impact on the surrounding document. |
Loading plugins
To add plugins and extend the functionality of the editor, add a string of plugin identifiers using the plugins
attribute, such as:
<tinymce-editor plugins="advlist autolink link image lists charmap preview"></tinymce-editor>
For information on plugins, see: Add plugins to TinyMCE.
Setting the editor width
To set the width of the editor (content area and user interface), use the width
attribute. For example:
Setting the editor height
To set the height of the editor (content area and user interface), use the height
attribute. For example:
Setting the toolbar
To set the editor toolbar buttons, use the toolbar
attribute. For example:
<tinymce-editor toolbar="undo redo | styles | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | outdent indent"></tinymce-editor>
The toolbar
attribute accepts a space-separated string of toolbar buttons with pipe characters (|
) for grouping buttons. For a list of available toolbar buttons, see: Toolbar Buttons Available for TinyMCE.
Setting the toolbar mode
To control the behavior of the toolbar, set the toolbar_mode
attribute. For example:
<tinymce-editor toolbar_mode="floating"></tinymce-editor>
For information on the available toolbar modes, see: User interface options - toolbar_mode
Setting the menu bar
To set the menus shown on the editor menu bar, add the menubar
attribute. For example:
<tinymce-editor menubar="file edit insert view format table tools help"></tinymce-editor>
To disable or remove the menu bar, set the menubar
attribute to "false"
. For example:
<tinymce-editor menubar="false"></tinymce-editor>
To change the menu items shown in the menus, or define custom menus, set the menu
configuration option using the config
For information on:
configuration option, see: User interface options -menubar
. -
configuration option, see: User interface options -menu
. -
attribute, see: Setting additional configuration options.
Setting context menu
To change the context menu sections that can be shown in the editor context menu, use the contextmenu
attribute. Such as:
<tinymce-editor plugins="link image table" contextmenu="link image table"></tinymce-editor>
To disable the context menu, set the contextmenu
attribute to "false"
. For example:
<tinymce-editor contextmenu="false"></tinymce-editor>
For a list of available context menu sections, see: Available context menu sections. For information on context menus, see: User interface options - contextmenu
Setting the quick-insert toolbar
The quick-insert toolbar is shown when a new line is added, providing buttons for inserting objects such as tables and images.
To add a quick-insert toolbar, add "quickbars"
to the plugins
attribute. To change the quick-insert toolbar, set the quickbars_insert_toolbar
attribute, such as:
<tinymce-editor plugins="quickbars pagebreak" quickbars_insert_toolbar="quickimage quicktable quicklink | hr pagebreak"></tinymce-editor>
The quickbars_insert_toolbar
attribute accepts a space-separated string of toolbar buttons with pipe characters (|
) for grouping buttons. For a list of available toolbar buttons, see: Toolbar Buttons Available for TinyMCE.
To disable the quick-insert toolbar, set the quickbars_insert_toolbar
attribute to "false"
. For example:
<tinymce-editor plugins="quickbars" quickbars_insert_toolbar="false"></tinymce-editor>
Setting the quick-selection toolbar
The quick-selection toolbar is shown when text is selected, providing formatting buttons such as: bold
, italic
, and link
To add a quick-selection toolbar, add "quickbars"
to the plugins
attribute. To change the quick-selection toolbar, set the quickbars_selection_toolbar
attribute, such as:
<tinymce-editor plugins="quickbars" quickbars_selection_toolbar="bold italic | blocks | quicklink blockquote"></tinymce-editor>
The quickbars_selection_toolbar
attribute accepts a space-separated string of toolbar buttons with pipe characters (|
) for grouping buttons. For a list of available toolbar buttons, see: Toolbar Buttons Available for TinyMCE.
To disable the quick-selection toolbar, set the quickbars_selection_toolbar
attribute to "false"
. For example:
<tinymce-editor plugins="quickbars" quickbars_selection_toolbar="false"></tinymce-editor>
Setting content stylesheets
To set the CSS for the content area of the editor, use the content_css
For example, to use one of the TinyMCE CSS configurations:
<tinymce-editor content_css="writer"></tinymce-editor>
To use a custom CSS file, provide a relative or abolute path to the css file, such as:
<tinymce-editor content_css="path/to/mycontent.css"></tinymce-editor>
Tiny recommends using:
option to apply a small set of CSS styles. -
option for applying large or complex CSS configurations.
For information on the content_css
option, see: Content appearance options - content_css
Setting content styling
To apply a small set of CSS styles to the editor, use the content_style
attribute. For example:
<tinymce-editor content_style="div { margin: 10px; border: 5px solid red; padding: 3px; }"></tinymce-editor>
Tiny recommends using:
option to apply a small set of CSS styles. -
option for applying large or complex CSS configurations.
For information on the content_style
option, see: Content appearance options - content_style
Setting PowerPaste’s word import method
This setting only applies if the PowerPaste plugin (powerpaste
) is enabled.
To control how content pasted from Microsoft Word is filtered, use the powerpaste_word_import
attribute. For example:
<tinymce-editor powerpaste_word_import="merge"></tinymce-editor>
For information on the powerpaste_word_import
option, including supported values, see: The PowerPaste plugin - powerpaste_word_import
Setting PowerPaste’s html import method
This setting only applies if the PowerPaste plugin (powerpaste
) is enabled.
To control how content pasted from sources other than Microsoft Word is filtered, use the powerpaste_html_import
attribute. For example:
<tinymce-editor powerpaste_html_import="prompt"></tinymce-editor>
For information on the powerpaste_html_import
option, including supported values, see: The PowerPaste plugin - powerpaste_html_import
Setting PowerPaste to allow local images
This setting only applies if the PowerPaste plugin (powerpaste
) is enabled.
To prevent Base64 encoded images with a data URI from being pasted into the editor, set powerpaste_allow_local_images
to "false"
. For example:
<tinymce-editor powerpaste_allow_local_images="false"></tinymce-editor>
For information on the powerpaste_allow_local_images
option, including supported values, see: The PowerPaste plugin - powerpaste_allow_local_images
Showing resize handles
The resize
attribute gives you the ability to disable the resize handle or set it to resize the editor both horizontal and vertically. By default the editor will resize vertically (resize="true"
To remove the resize handle and disable resizing of the editor, set the resize
attribute to "false"
. Such as:
<tinymce-editor resize="false"></tinymce-editor>
To allow the user to resize the editor both horizontally and vertically, set the resize
attribute to "both"
. For example:
<tinymce-editor resize="both"></tinymce-editor>
For information on the resize
option, see: User interface options - resize
Setting the editor setup function
To execute a javascript callback before the editor instance is rendered, use the setup
attribute. For example:
function setupEditor(editor) {
editor.on('click', function () {
console.log('Editor was clicked');
<tinymce-editor setup="setupEditor"></tinymce-editor>
For information on the setup
option, see: Integration and setup options - setup
Setting the editor skin
To apply a custom skin to the editor, use the skin
attribute. For example:
<tinymce-editor skin="borderless"></tinymce-editor>
For information on:
Using the
option, see: User interface options -skin
. -
Tiny enhanced skins, see: Enhanced Skins & Icon Packs.
Creating a custom skin for TinyMCE, see: Create a skin for TinyMCE.
Setting the images upload URL
To specify the location of a server-side upload handler, use the images_upload_url
attribute. For example:
<tinymce-editor images_upload_url="postAcceptor.php"></tinymce-editor>
The upload handler should return the location of the uploaded file in the following format:
{ "location": "folder/sub-folder/new-location.png" }
For information on using the images_upload_url
, see: Image uploads - images_upload_url
Setting the images upload handler
To specify custom image upload handler callback function, use the images_upload_handler
const example_image_upload_handler = (blobInfo, progress) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.withCredentials = false;
xhr.open('POST', 'postAcceptor.php');
xhr.upload.onprogress = (e) => {
progress(e.loaded / e.total * 100);
xhr.onload = () => {
if (xhr.status === 403) {
reject({ message: 'HTTP Error: ' + xhr.status, remove: true });
if (xhr.status < 200 || xhr.status >= 300) {
reject('HTTP Error: ' + xhr.status);
const json = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if (!json || typeof json.location != 'string') {
reject('Invalid JSON: ' + xhr.responseText);
xhr.onerror = () => {
reject('Image upload failed due to a XHR Transport error. Code: ' + xhr.status);
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('file', blobInfo.blob(), blobInfo.filename());
<tinymce-editor images_upload_handler="example_image_upload_handler"></tinymce-editor>
For information on using the images_upload_handler
option, see: Image uploads - images_upload_handler
Setting the images upload base path
To specify the basepath to prepend to URLs returned from the configured images_upload_url
script, use the images_upload_base_path
attribute. For example:
<tinymce-editor images_upload_url="postAcceptor.php" images_upload_base_path="/some/basepath"></tinymce-editor>
For information on using the images_upload_base_path
option, see: Image uploads - images_upload_base_path
Setting the images upload to have credentials
To receive credentials (such as cookies, authorization headers, or TLS client certificates) for cross-domain image uploads, set the images_upload_credentials
attribute to "true"
<tinymce-editor images_upload_url="postAcceptor.php" images_upload_credentials="true"></tinymce-editor>
For information on using the images_upload_credentials
option, see: Image uploads - images_upload_credentials
Setting the images upload to reuse filenames
To force the editor to use the same filename for a given image, regardless of the number of times it is uploaded within a given instance, set the images_reuse_filename
attribute to "true"
<tinymce-editor images_upload_url="postAcceptor.php" images_reuse_filename="true"></tinymce-editor>
For information on using the images_reuse_filename
option, see: Image uploads - images_reuse_filename
Setting the icon pack
To apply a bundled set of custom or premium icons to the editor, use the icons
attribute. For example:
<tinymce-editor icons="material"></tinymce-editor>
Use this attribute if the icon pack is bundled with TinyMCE (including custom icon packs). If the icon pack is hosted on a web site, use the icons_url
For information on:
Using the
option, see: User interface options -icons
. -
Tiny premium icon packs, see: Enhanced Skins & Icon Packs.
Creating a custom icon pack for TinyMCE, see: Create an icon pack for TinyMCE.
Setting the icon pack URL
To apply a hosted set of custom or premium icons to the editor, use the icons_url
attribute. For example:
<tinymce-editor icons_url="https://www.example.com/icons/material/icons.js"></tinymce-editor>
Use this attribute if the icon pack is hosted on a web site. If the icon pack is bundled with TinyMCE (including custom icon packs), use the icons
For information on:
Using the
option, see: User interface options -icons_url
. -
Tiny premium icon packs, see: Enhanced Skins & Icon Packs.
Creating a custom icon pack for TinyMCE, see: Create an icon pack for TinyMCE.
Setting additional configuration options
To configure any TinyMCE option that does not have a corresponding attribute, use the config
attribute. For example:
window.myConfig = {
height: 500,
spellchecker_dialog: true,
spellchecker_ignore_list: ['Ephox', 'Moxiecode']
toolbar="undo redo | bold italic | forecolor backcolor | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist | link | spellchecker"
plugins="lists link searchreplace table tinymcespellchecker wordcount"
Configuration options that have an attribute can also be passed to the config
Event binding
There are two methods to bind events for the TinyMCE Web Component.
attribute, as described in Setting the editor setup function. For example:<script> function setupEditor(editor) { editor.on('click', function () { console.log('Editor was clicked'); }); } </script> <tinymce-editor setup="setupEditor"/>
html -
attributes, such as theon-NodeChange
attribute. For example:<script> function changeHandler(evt) { console.log('The ' + evt['type'] + ' event was fired.'); } </script> <tinymce-editor on-Change="changeHandler"/>
htmlIf these attributes are later removed, the event will be automatically unbound. For the full list of supported
attributes, see: Supported browser events and Supported TinyMCE events.
Supported browser events
Bind the following browser events using the corresponding TinyMCE Web Component attribute.
Browser event | Attribute |
Supported TinyMCE events
Bind the following TinyMCE events using the corresponding TinyMCE Web Component attribute.
TinyMCE event | Attribute |