The best LMS editor for your
learning management software
Building or extending. Delivering or learning.
No matter the project, TinyMCE works best.
Transform the content on your LMS platform
Intuitive and feature-rich, the TinyMCE LMS editor increases course creators’ productivity and multiplies student engagement and collaboration. Your developers have full control of the code, UI, configuration and integrations, while your non-technical users – teachers, course designers, subject matter experts and administrators – can create, manage and modify every type of content, including formulas and equations, within your LMS platform.
LMS editor starter config
The basic editing experience every LMS should start with: includes all the editing controls your users expect, plus PowerPaste, Accessibility Checker, Image Editing and more.
1<!DOCTYPE html>
4<meta charset="utf-8">
5<title>LMS use-case demo</title>
6<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
7<script src="" referrerpolicy="origin"></script>
9 tinymce.init({
10 selector: "#editor",
11 plugins: "ai a11ychecker advcode autocorrect autolink autoresize autosave charmap checklist code editimage emoticons footnotes fullscreen image link linkchecker lists markdown media mediaembed mergetags powerpaste preview table tableofcontents tinycomments tinymcespellchecker typography wordcount math",
12 toolbar: "undo redo | aidialog aishortcuts | blocks | bold italic underline strikethrough forecolor backcolor | align checklist bullist numlist | link image media footnotes mergetags table | subscript superscript charmap blockquote | tokens | spellchecker typography a11ycheck wordcount | addcomment showcomments | fullscreen preview | math",
13 statusbar: false,
14 toolbar_sticky: true,
15 mediaembed_max_width: 800,
16 block_formats: 'Title=h1; Heading=h2; Sub heading=h3; Blockquote=blockquote; Paragraph=p',
17 font_css: [',wght@0,400;0,550;1,400&display=swap'], // URLs containing commas and such have to be wrapped in an array to work
18 a11y_advanced_options: true,
19 a11ychecker_html_version: 'html5',
20 a11ychecker_level: 'aa',
21 typography_default_lang: 'en-US',
22 mergetags_list: [
23 {
24 title: "Course",
25 menu: [{
26 value: 'Course.Name',
27 title: 'Course Name'
28 },
29 {
30 value: 'Course.Teacher.Name',
31 title: 'Teacher Name'
32 },
33 {
34 value: 'Course.Department.Head',
35 title: 'Department Head'
36 }
37 ]
38 },
39 {
40 title: "Assignment",
41 menu: [{
42 value: 'Assignment.Name',
43 title: 'Assignment Name'
44 },
45 {
46 value: 'Assignment.DueDate',
47 title: 'Assignment Due Date'
48 }
49 ]
50 },
51 {
52 title: "Student",
53 menu: [{
54 value: 'Student.Name',
55 title: 'Student Name'
56 },
57 {
58 value: 'Student.ID',
59 title: 'Student ID'
60 },
61 {
62 value: 'Student.Email',
63 title: 'Student Email'
64 }
65 ]
66 }
67 ],
68 ai_shortcuts: [
69 { title: 'Summarize content', prompt: 'Provide the key points and concepts in this content in a succinct summary.' },
70 { title: 'Improve writing', prompt: 'Rewrite this content with no spelling mistakes, proper grammar, and with more descriptive language, using best writing practices without losing the original meaning.' }
71 ],
72 tinycomments_mode: 'embedded',
73 tinycomments_author: 'rmartel',
74 tinycomments_author_name: 'Rosalina Martel (Instructor)',
75 tinycomments_author_avatar: '',
76 sidebar_show: 'showcomments',
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99 }
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103 }
105 .mce-footnotes {
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107 }
108 `
109 });
112 body {
113 margin: 60px 16px;
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115 color: #222f3e;
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117 .editor-wrap {
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126 <h1><span class="mce-annotation tox-comment" data-mce-annotation-uid="mce-conversation_39124539331662741473397" data-mce-annotation="tinycomments">Assignment</span> #3: Color Theory</h1>
127 <p>Hello {{Student.Name}},</p>
128 <p>For this week's assignment, you will learn the basics of color theory.</p>
129 <p>Select one of the following topics, and write a research essay. Ensure you answer the questions in full, and provide references for any primary or secondary sources<sup id="footnote_83179098411662742784603" class="mce-footnote"><a href="#footnotes_entry_83179098411662742784603">1</a></sup> consulted. Contact {{Course.Teacher.Name}} or {{Course.Department.Head}} if you have any questions about the assignment.</p>
130 <h2>This week's tasks</h2>
131 <p>Begin by watching the video above then proceed to the assignment questionnaire by pressing continue below.</p>
132 <h3>Topic List</h3>
133 <ul>
134 <li>The origin of Color theory and its effect on emotion and mood is contentious.<sup id="footnote_98446634721662742994322" class="mce-footnote"><a href="#footnotes_entry_98446634721662742994322">2</a></sup> Identify your understanding of the originators of Color theory. Argue for the effectiveness of certain color palettes over others to create different moods.</li>
135 <li>While some experts argue there are no new color palettes, others argue innovation is a constant process. Choose one side, and build an argument: There are no new color palette innovations. New color palette innovations are happening all the time.</li>
136 <li>Select three examples of color theory in practice that are all part of one medium (e.g. film, magazine, television). Explain why these three examples are effective. Contrast and argue why one of these examples is more effective in its use of color theory concepts compared to the others.</li>
137 <li>Wassily Kandinsky states “Color is a power which directly influences the soul.”<sup id="footnote_34341905131662743043554" class="mce-footnote"><a href="#footnotes_entry_34341905131662743043554">3</a></sup> Explain what Kandinsky meant, and provide an argument explaining what Kandinsky means using color theory principles.</li>
138 </ul>
139 <h3>Also...</h3>
140 <ul>
141 <li>Think about the difference between mixing colors using colored lights vs using paint.</li>
142 <li>Pay extra attention to the different complementary color models.</li>
143 </ul>
144 <blockquote>
145 <p>“Color is a power which directly influences the soul.”<br><span style="color: #95a5a6;"><em>– Wassily Kandinsky </em></span></p>
146 </blockquote>
147 <h2>Deadlines</h2>
148 <p>Please submit your tasks before {{Assignment.DueDate}}</p>
149 <h2>Grading Criteria</h2>
150 <table style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 99.8698%; height: 157px;" border="1">
151 <thead>
152 <tr>
153 <th style="width: 18.0915%;" scope="col"> </th>
154 <td style="width: 18.0915%;" scope="col">High Achievement</td>
155 <td style="width: 18.2224%;" scope="col">Good Achievement</td>
156 <td style="width: 18.2224%;" scope="col">Pass</td>
157 <td style="width: 18.2224%;" scope="col">Fail</td>
158 </tr>
159 </thead>
160 <tbody>
161 <tr>
162 <th style="width: 18.0915%;" scope="col">Demonstrated knowledge of color theory</th>
163 <td style="width: 18.0915%;">The student shows an outstanding knowledge and command of color theory concepts</td>
164 <td style="width: 18.2224%;">The student shows good knowledge and understanding of color theory concepts</td>
165 <td style="width: 18.2224%;">The student shows some knowledge of color theory and a basic understanding of color theory concepts</td>
166 <td style="width: 18.2224%;">The student has not demonstrated knowledge of color theory, or the concepts of color theory.</td>
167 </tr>
168 <tr>
169 <th style="width: 18.0915%;" scope="col">Argument composition skills</th>
170 <td style="width: 18.0915%;">The student shows an outstanding argument composition skills</td>
171 <td style="width: 18.2224%;">The student shows good argument composition skills</td>
172 <td style="width: 18.2224%;">The student shows some argument composition skills.</td>
173 <td style="width: 18.2224%;">The student does not show clear argument composition skills</td>
174 </tr>
175 <tr>
176 <th style="width: 18.0915%;" scope="col">Consulted resources</th>
177 <td style="width: 18.0915%;">The student shows they have consulted excellent resources</td>
178 <td style="width: 18.2224%;">The student has consulted good resources</td>
179 <td style="width: 18.2224%;">The student has consulted some resources required for the assignment</td>
180 <td style="width: 18.2224%;">The student has not consulted adequate resources</td>
181 </tr>
182 <tr>
183 <th style="width: 18.0915%;" scope="col">Writing, Grammar, and Clarity</th>
184 <td style="width: 18.0915%;">The student shows a command of the language in their work</td>
185 <td style="width: 18.2224%;">The student shows effective writing skills</td>
186 <td style="width: 18.2224%;">The student shows clear writing skills</td>
187 <td style="width: 18.2224%;">The student shows unclear writing skills</td>
188 </tr>
189 </tbody>
190 </table>
191 <p> </p>
192 <div class="mce-footnotes">
193 <hr>
194 <ol>
195 <li id="footnotes_entry_83179098411662742784603"><a class="mce-footnotes-backlink" href="#footnote_83179098411662742784603">^ </a><span class="mce-footnotes-note">AMA Style Guide. <a href=""></a>. Accessed September 9, 2022. </span></li>
196 <li id="footnotes_entry_98446634721662742994322"><a class="mce-footnotes-backlink" href="#footnote_98446634721662742994322">^ </a><span class="mce-footnotes-note">Color theory. Wikipedia. <a href=""></a>. Published September 3, 2022. Accessed September 24, 2022. </span></li>
197 <li id="footnotes_entry_34341905131662743043554"><a class="mce-footnotes-backlink" href="#footnote_34341905131662743043554">^ </a><span class="mce-footnotes-note">Kandinsky W. A quote from concerning the spiritual in art. Goodreads. <a href=""></a>. Accessed September 14, 2022. </span></li>
198 </ol>
199 </div><!--tinycomments|2.1|data:application/json;base64,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-->
200 </textarea>
"We are saving at least 1 hour every day in support time. What used to take our users 10+ hours fighting the system now gets done in minutes. Our users are creating more content than ever thanks to TinyMCE."
"I've worked with lots of different editors, but TinyMCE was the simplest to implement. The amount of functionality you get right out of the box would be foolhardy to try and recreate. TinyMCE solves lots of problems, and it's been trusted by the industry for longer than anything else that I know of."
"One of my favorite things about Tiny is that they respond wicked fast. And I promise you, we're not spending a million dollars a year to get that level of attention. It's a thrill to feel like we're a number one client."
"Because we serve the not-for-profit space, we are always very budget-conscious with everything that we do as a company. So, trying to develop a rich text editing tool in-house and maintain it was just not feasible at all."
When you need an LMS editor that’s state-of-the-art
Our editor delivers the best
Faster speed-to-market
Save years of developer time and hundreds of thousands of dollars in engineering costs by leveraging our out-of-the-box editor and 24/7 support team. The best LMS editor gets you to market faster.
Focuses on streamlining content production workflows while protecting academic integrity, with our WYSIWYG LMS editor reducing content creation time by 90% for teachers and creators
Explore features:
Delight your users
Our WYSIWYG LMS editor is built to mimic the tools your users know and love. There’s no ramp-up or steep learning curves – it’s an editing experience your users already know and enjoy.
Spotlight on creating a deeper level of engagement and collaboration, with many users reporting 85% increases in engagement, interaction and involvement
Explore features:
HTML you can trust
Take the guesswork out of document creation and publish clean and compliant output from the LMS WYSIWYG editor that’s trusted by 1.5M developers, and over 40% of the world’s websites.
Fit within an enterprise-grade tech stack via 400+ customizable APIs and 12+ framework integrations to create the experience users need
Explore features:
All-in-one LMS editing tool
Every LMS platform needs an intuitive WYSIWYG editor that’s feature-rich and easy to use for teachers, course creators, subject matter experts and administrators who don’t have the time or skill to code from scratch. Equally, the LMS editor must be totally customizable so your developers can control the back-end, integrate with existing tech stacks and be confident the HTML output is clean, quality and compliant.
The TinyMCE LMS editor turns the creation and updating of content, lesson plans, and assignments into a simple task, and its advanced features lift your students' learning experience to enhance (and encourage) learning. TinyMCE is downloaded 350M+ times every year and available through either a free, open source license or a paid commercial license.
All the familiar WYSIWYG
features developers (and users) expect
Content Creation

Enable teachers, course designers and students to create content using features they know and love:
- Error-free clean copy-paste from Word, Excel and Google Docs with PowerPaste
- Help users write better and faster with AI Assistant
- Directly import MS Word documents. Export your content to MS Word or PDF with Document Converters
- Create cleanly formatted equations and formulas with the Math Equations feature
- Write, or paste, Markdown directly in the editor, and TinyMCE instantly converts it to rich text
- Word Count and Search and replace functionality that enhances a wide range of document creation projects
- Range of content formatting tools like Checklists, Enhanced Tables and Page Break
- Image Optimizer decreases page load times and simplifies image management. Resize, compress, and adjust images for every device with minimal effort
- Insert pre-defined or user-defined content easily with Templates
- Merge Tags allows for dynamic content insertion into the editor
- Autosave avoids the risk of losing content
- Autoresize allows the editor to resize to fit its contents as it expands
- Inline editing to Preview how content looks before publishing
Academic Integrity

Ensure integrity throughout the learning process via numerous safeguards and capabilities:
- Use Multi-Root Editing to protect students’ work during the review and evaluation process, or on group projects
- Empower users to easily create authoritative and credible content with Footnotes
- Programmatically retrieve editor content in plain text so it can be automatically sent to third party plagiarism detection services
- When a document is final, export it to a non-editable PDF document for safe keeping using PDF Export
- Enable students to showcase reference materials within their content using Enhanced Media Embed and Page Embed
- Automatically ensure links are active and clickable with Autolink
Accessibility & Compliance

Ensure content is aligned with academic and regulatory standards:
- Maintain regulatory standards and avoid potential fines and lawsuits with Accessibility Checker (WCAG)
- Identify document changes over time with Revision History
- Build custom dictionaries to ensure consistent scientific or subject-matter vocabulary with Spell Checker
- Globally consistent spelling with simultaneous checking of up to 13 languages (plus medical terminology)
- Fix obvious (and not-so-obvious) mistakes before they see the light of day with Spelling Autocorrect
- Improve content readability and consistency with Advanced Typography
- Eliminate embarrassing broken links with Link Checker

Produce better academic outcomes with collaborative editing tools:
- Enhance peer-to-peer collaboration with Comments and threaded conversations
- Kickstart conversations with @mentions
- Identify document changes over time with Revision History
Media Management

Manage student or course files and images in the cloud with Tiny Drive:
- Upload and browse files, and insert images inside TinyMCE
- Import existing assets from any connected Google Drive or Dropbox account
- Minimal configuration, integrates seamlessly
- Secure – uses utilizes JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- Scalable – uses Amazon S3 cloud storage
- Note: Tiny Drive is an add-on to TinyMCE

Support distance learning from Bogotá to Istanbul:
- 38 fully-vetted, professional UI translations
- 37 community-contributed UI translations
- 13 languages supported with Spell Checker
See full demo | Discover integrations | Explore 60+ features
Ready to use TinyMCE for
your project?
Get a quoteHow TinyMCE is different from
the alternatives
Unmatched domain experience
Every day, the world’s biggest enterprise brands and growing startups rely on TinyMCE for their mission-critical editing needs. For the last two decades, we’ve consistently innovated to create the acknowledged best-in-class rich text editor, that lets developers and creators do more with less by providing:
- Smooth, lightweight code that achieves both speed and flexibility across every major browser
- A consistent and reliable release process, providing headache-free upgrades
- A reliable enterprise-grade editor that's easily customized and also available through an open-source license
- Reusable, modular components, 400+ APIs and 14+ framework integrations
12+ integrations and 400+ flexible APIs
Easily integrates into your tech stack. Enhances your editing experience. 7 first-party and 5 third-party endorsed integrations that make development easier.
Explore integrations →Hosting
Get TinyMCE two ways Cloud-based or Self-hosted
Get a Free API key to use TinyMCE from the Cloud or Download the SDK for use in your Self-Hosted application.
See how →Reliable, responsive and future-facing
Every day, our Engineering team solves issues the right way, our Product team encourages perfect results (even if launch dates occasionally slip) and the Customer Success team delivers support that’s reliable, fast and friendly. We’re proud of:
- Maintaining industry-leading response rates across dedicated SLAs
- 96% support ticket customer satisfaction* (Based on Zendesk ratings)
- 2.84 hr average response time* (August 2021 data)
Help when and where you need it
Enterprise-Grade Support
Responsive, in-house support to help you implement, customize and troubleshoot.
Learn more →Community
Thousands of questions and answers updated daily on StackOverflow and Github.
Browse questions →Documentation
Tutorials, quickstarts, code samples and videos to help you deploy faster.
Explore docs →Collaborative team that grows with you
We let companies focus on their core business, so they don’t have to worry about rich text editing. Product teams can delight their users and creators can work smarter, faster and more productively. Our modus operandi is to be:
- Helpful
- WYSIWYG and easy to work with
- Consultative, partnering with you throughout your stages of growth
- Champions of open source and the dev community who make it all possible
Modify TinyMCE to suit custom use cases
Modify TinyMCE to suit custom use cases
Developers have full source code control for endless customizations
- Out-of-the-box
- UI customization
- API customization
Looking for projects that
TinyMCE can be used for?
Access use-case specific starter configsto kickstart your rich text editing project
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