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Your ultimate WYSIWYG editor
to build internal tools or develop
SaaS applications

Building. Extending. Converting.
No matter your SaaS project, TinyMCE works best

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A familiar end-user experience out-of-the-box

Your WYSIWYG editor is a vital component within your tech stack.

Whether you’re swapping out your old rich text editor, or enhancing an existing one, TinyMCE gives you total control over your editing experience. You can create a fully customized experience via our APIs or take advantage of our out-of-the-box enterprise-grade editor and can be used to successfully (and scalably) build the next generation of applications.

Best of all, your developers have full control of the code, UI, and configuration, while your non-technical users can create, manage and modify all types of content. TinyMCE is downloaded 350M+ times every year and available through either a free, open source license or a paid commercial license.

TinyMCE starter config

The basic editing experience your app should start with: includes all the editing controls your users expect, plus PowerPaste, Spell Checker, Image Editing and more.

1<!DOCTYPE html>
4  <script src="https://cdn.tiny.cloud/1/no-api-key/tinymce/7/tinymce.min.js" referrerpolicy="origin"></script>
7  <textarea>
8    Welcome to TinyMCE! Play around with the editor and plugins to see how it works
9  </textarea>
10  <script>
11    tinymce.init({
12      selector: 'textarea',
13      plugins: 'ai anchor autolink charmap codesample emoticons image link lists media searchreplace table visualblocks wordcount checklist mediaembed casechange formatpainter pageembed linkchecker a11ychecker tinymcespellchecker permanentpen powerpaste advtable advcode editimage tinycomments tableofcontents footnotes mergetags autocorrect typography inlinecss markdown',
14      toolbar: 'undo redo | aidialog aishortcuts | blocks fontfamily fontsize | bold italic underline strikethrough | link image media table mergetags | addcomment showcomments | spellcheckdialog a11ycheck typography | align lineheight | checklist numlist bullist indent outdent | emoticons charmap | removeformat',
15      tinycomments_mode: 'embedded',
16      tinycomments_author: 'Author name',
17      mergetags_list: [
18        { value: 'First.Name', title: 'First Name' },
19        { value: 'Email', title: 'Email' },
20      ],
21      ai_shortcuts: [
22        { title: 'Summarize content', prompt: 'Provide the key points and concepts in this content in a succinct summary.' },
23        { title: 'Improve writing', prompt: 'Rewrite this content with no spelling mistakes, proper grammar, and with more descriptive language, using best writing practices without losing the original meaning.' }
24      ]
25    });
26  </script>

"Being able to know that we’ve made a good choice with TinyMCE—that we don’t have to worry about the editor, and can go on to focus on other things is so valuable. The open source background and history of TinyMCE, and how that’s been nourished by Tiny is awesome."

Geoff McQueen|CEO & Founder, Accelo

"I was glad TinyMCE had solutions for all of these unique needs we had. I guess if you’ve been on the market for so long and you’re the market leader, like Tiny is, then you’ve already come across most of these things before, and you’ve already come up with the solutions. But I was surprised it worked so easily."

Simon Reinhardt|Senior Software Developer, HYPE Innovation

"TinyMCE and its plugins satisfied our needs at a competitive cost, and we were able to integrate it without requiring a significant restructuring of our product. TinyMCE is perfect for what we're trying to accomplish."

Chris Burd|Vice President, policyIQ, RGP

"It’s so fully featured, we’ve never had to request any new features from them. When a feature isn’t directly available in the product, there’s always an extension point to add a plugin and fill that gap. They’ve got the most robust product offering."

Dan Plaskon|VP Technology, Better Impact

"This new platform is a rewrite from a version that existed around the mid ‘90s. But things have modernized significantly since then, and iQQ needed to keep that pace, too. TinyMCE is the one editor that I found was the simplest to implement. It has a large amount of functionality right out of the box, and you can always extend that with plugins. But, most importantly, TinyMCE is so intuitive to use that we don’t have to do all the work."

Tim Craver|Development Manager, Allied Solutions

Looking for projects that
TinyMCE can be used for?

Access use-case specific starter configs
to kickstart your rich text editing project
Content Management Systems (CMS) ->Email & Messaging Platforms ->Document Management Systems (DMS) ->Customer Relationship Management (CRM) ->Workflow & Collaboration Platforms ->Learning Management Systems (LMS) ->Internal & SaaS Applications ->

All the familiar WYSIWYG
features developers (and users) expect

Content Creation

Content Creation

Enable users to create content using features they know and love:

  • An intuitive and familiar editing experience inspired by popular document creation tools
  • Error-free clean copy-paste from Word, Excel and Google Docs with PowerPaste
  • Help users write better and faster with AI Assistant
  • Directly import MS Word documents. Export your content to MS Word or PDF with Document Converters
  • Write, or paste, Markdown directly in the editor, and TinyMCE instantly converts it to rich text
  • Word Count and Search and replace functionality that enhances a wide range of document creation projects
  • Range of content formatting tools like Checklists, Enhanced Tables and Page Break
  • Image Optimizer decreases page load times and simplifies image management. Resize, compress, and adjust images for every device with minimal effort
  • Inline editing to Preview how content looks before publishing
  • Generates clean SEO-friendly HTML ready to be indexed by search engines
  • Optimized for desktop and mobile

Editor Control

Editor Control

Give users either unrestricted creative freedom, or just enough to create what they need:

  • Generate true WYSIWYG templates with editable regions using Multi-Root Editing
  • Only enable the functionality needed and use Quick Toolbar and keyboard shortcuts to speed up content creation
  • Control the output with a variety of options around HTML and CSS
  • Customize the UI with pre-made Skins and Icons or build your own
  • Allow users to insert predefined, dynamic content using the Templates plugin
  • Autosave avoids the risk of losing content
  • Autoresize allows the editor to resize to fit its contents as it expands



Ensure user-generated content is aligned with corporate and regulatory standards:

  • Maintain regulatory standards and avoid potential fines and lawsuits with Accessibility Checker (WCAG)
  • Identify document changes over time with Revision History
  • Build custom dictionaries to ensure content is on-brand with Spell Checker
  • Globally consistent spelling with simultaneous checking of up to 13 languages (plus medical terminology)
  • Fix obvious (and not-so-obvious) mistakes before they see the light of day with Autocorrect
  • Eliminate embarrassing broken links with Link Checker
  • Mentions can be used to autocomplete predefined tags, categories or assignees



Produce better outcomes with collaborative editing tools:

  • Enhance peer-to-peer collaboration with Comments and threaded conversations
  • Kickstart conversations with @mentions
  • Identify document changes over time with Revision History

Media Management

Media Management

Manage your files or images in the cloud with Tiny Drive:

  • Upload and browse files, and insert images inside TinyMCE
  • Import existing assets from any connected Google Drive or Dropbox account
  • Minimal configuration, integrates seamlessly
  • Secure – uses utilizes JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
  • Scalable – uses Amazon S3 cloud storage
  • Note: Tiny Drive is an add-on to TinyMCE



Provide a consistent and reliable editing experience, from Bogotá to Istanbul:

  • 38 fully-vetted, professional UI translations
  • 37 community-contributed UI translations
  • 13 languages supported with Spell Checker

See full demo | Discover integrations | Explore 60+ features

Ready to use TinyMCE for
your project?

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How TinyMCE is different from
the alternatives

Unmatched domain experience

TinyMCE toolbar menu

Every day, the world’s biggest enterprise brands and growing startups rely on TinyMCE for their mission-critical editing needs. For the last two decades, we’ve consistently innovated to create the acknowledged best-in-class rich text editor, that lets developers and creators do more with less by providing:

  • Smooth, lightweight code that achieves both speed and flexibility across every major browser
  • A consistent and reliable release process, providing headache-free upgrades
  • A reliable enterprise-grade editor that's easily customized and also available through an open-source license
  • Reusable, modular components, 400+ APIs and 14+ framework integrations


12+ integrations and 400+ flexible APIs

Easily integrates into your tech stack. Enhances your editing experience. 7 first-party and 5 third-party endorsed integrations that make development easier.

Explore integrations →


Get TinyMCE two ways Cloud-based or Self-hosted

Get a Free API key to use TinyMCE from the Cloud or Download the SDK for use in your Self-Hosted application.

See how →

Reliable, responsive and future-facing

TinyMCE toolbar menu

Every day, our Engineering team solves issues the right way, our Product team encourages perfect results (even if launch dates occasionally slip) and the Customer Success team delivers support that’s reliable, fast and friendly. We’re proud of:

  • Maintaining industry-leading response rates across dedicated SLAs
  • 96% support ticket customer satisfaction* (Based on Zendesk ratings)
  • 2.84 hr average response time* (August 2021 data)

Help when and where you need it

Enterprise-Grade Support

Responsive, in-house support to help you implement, customize and troubleshoot.

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Thousands of questions and answers updated daily on StackOverflow and Github.

Browse questions →


Tutorials, quickstarts, code samples and videos to help you deploy faster.

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Collaborative team that grows with you

TinyMCE toolbar menu

We let companies focus on their core business, so they don’t have to worry about rich text editing. Product teams can delight their users and creators can work smarter, faster and more productively. Our modus operandi is to be:

  • Helpful
  • WYSIWYG and easy to work with
  • Consultative, partnering with you throughout your stages of growth
  • Champions of open source and the dev community who make it all possible

Modify TinyMCE to suit custom use cases

Modify TinyMCE to suit custom use cases

Developers have full source code control for endless customizations

  • Out-of-the-box
  • UI customization
  • API customization
Explore Customization →

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