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Clean copy/paste content from Word, Excel, Google Docs, HTML, and more

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Stop broken HTML with PowerPaste

With 99.9% accuracy, it’s the only rich text editor feature on the market that lets users copy-paste clean content, without developers needing to worry about breaking the underlying HTML code.

99.9% accurate results remove frustration

Frustrating copy-paste experiences are common. But this feature automatically ‘cleans’ pasted content, and removes any potential issues. By making the content creation experience easier and less painful, it can help increase your user engagement by up to 85%, which increases the underlying value of your product.

A smiling document illustration

Reduce developer and support costs

This feature does all the heavy lifting for you, by focusing on cutting down development and support costs for your team. That lets your development and support teams focus on building and maintaining the core of your product. Implementing PowerPaste has helped software teams decrease their support tickets by up to 40%.

An illustration of a downwards arrow

Copy-pastes cleanly from MS Office, GDocs and HTML

Every day this feature easily handles content from Microsoft and Google with ease – allowing users to spend more time crafting their content. Not only does it clean up rogue formatting from sources like Word, GDocs, HTML and Excel, it does the same for websites and other popular providers. Get perfect content, every time.

An illustration showing Microsoft Office tools

"This is one of the areas where TinyMCE really shines. The PowerPaste feature is incredible. You can copy content out of Word and have a reliable translation of it into HTML on the other side. It’s one of the big wow factors when we do demos of our product."

Dan Plaskon|CEO

Experience PowerPaste for yourself

This interactive demo lets you play with the feature to see the ways that it can improve the content creation, editing and publishing experiences in your app.

Each of the below editors contain content pasted from the same Word document.

Spot the differences and use the < > button to compare the underlying HTML.
(Less code = Less database bloat and formatting issues)

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